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flyboy goes went greek

November 25, 2002 UPDATE

Today I left the brotherhood of Alpha Tau Omega... partially of my own accord but primarily as a result of the Brotherhood's decision. I am glad be disaffiliated from ATO as they turned out to stand for things that I do not believe in and began to act in a way that I feel to be un human and un Christian. However, it is their organization and their prerogative to do as they please.



During the week preceeding Labor Day weekend, I had the chance to meet up with the guys of Alpha Tau Omega, and realized that it was a perfect place for me. Fortunately, they felt the same way and offered me a bid to join and I did. I am now the pledge class president of the 2002 Fall Pledge Class of Alpha Tau Omega Georgia Alpha Zeta Chapter.

2002 Alpha Tau Omega  Georgia Alpha Zeta Chapter
Pledge Class

IN FRONT: Luke. ROW ONE: Joel, Subash, Thad, Michael, Evan, Stephen. ROW TWO: John, Rob, Chris, Wes, Dennis, Josh, Trey. ROW THREE: Alex, Ben (me), Cody, Everett, Jake