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This page is currently devoted to my fan writings. I am an aspiring author who enjoys the video game series Final Fantasy, my favorite being Final Fantasy 7. I have several fanfictions which will be posted here soon. But since fanfiction is a non-profitable venture (at least without getting sued) I will be writing and posting my original poems and fiction here as well.

Oh...are you confused already? Sorry. I think that it is definition time!

Fiction about a certain other piece of fiction. For instance I will be using the video game world from Final Fantasy 7 and its characters to produce Second Shadow, my story. I cannot earn any money off of it though or they can sue you. And you MUST give a disclaimer before you publish it on the internet. Basically I am using their characters and world but telling a different story and adding a few characters and concepts of my own.

Final Fantasy 7
A playstation RPG or Role-Playing Game that originally came out in 1997 by Squaresoft. Yeah, it's old but many credit it to revolutionizing the RPG world. As one of my friends have said..."It brought the small community of RPG-ing to the mainstream"...and he said it like it was a bad thing! This was the first real RPG that I had ever played and in my opinion the far. I laughed, I cried, I screamed like a little girl and had nightmares about it. Yeah, the graphics aren't that great and in some spots the translation leaves some to be desired...but the characters are lovable (^_^ Sephiroth!!) and hateable (~_~ Aeris!!) and quite well thought out AKA fic material. If anyone wants me to give them a plot synopsis email me but considering that you came here for the fic...I don't think that one is

Do you think you have it? Well, I hope so. Continue on into the depths of this site and enjoy my fic! ^_^

The current fanfictions that are ready are:

Final Fantasy 7:
  1. The Reunion Show: Parts 1, 2, and 3
  2. Second Shadow: Chapters 1-9 (in progress)
  3. Messenger Mishaps

  1. Letting Go (a poem)

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Please enjoy your stay and hit me up for comments, suggestions, and reviews of my works. Follow the fox to my email address! And if you want to know about me, check out my new"ME" page!
