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∆Merry Meet∆

Hey there! We are Leyana and Arathaeia, two teenage Wiccans who know the difficulties of "being in the broom closet". We're here to help in anyway possible. We have info, answers and advice.

Our dream is to bring together young Wiccans like us, who want to learn more about their Craft, or want to meet people like them who are just starting out in the Ways of Wicca!

So, we deisgned a Mailing List system for all young Wiccans, where you can mail us and have your question answered. On top of this, we will be distributing newsletters every now and then, and contact details (e-mail, interests, etc) so Wiccans everywhere can make friends online. These details of course are optional to have mailed out (you don't even have to give them to us at all!) All we need you to give us in order for you to sign up is your e-mail and a name (which can be your Craft name or a pseudonym.)

When you pose a question, we will send it out to all of our members, as well as find the answer ourselves, so you can recieve a wide range of responses. Such is the nature of Wicca- there are many ways to come to many ends, and the best way to find your way is to experiment with different procedures until you find one that suits you.

Of course, if you have any questions about the list or about Wicca, don't hesitate to e-mail us for enquiries- we won't automatically sign you up! For more details, please see our ABOUT THE LIST page below :)

Blessed Be-

Leyana & Arathaeia

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