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In blue is everything that can be changed. For example if it's a colour, you can change that colour to something else to have different effects. There are other things that can be changed, but they are more complicated.

Example 1

Example 2



<style>BODY,TD,FONT,P,I {COLOR:skyblue; font-family:times new roman; cursor:CROSSHAIR; font-size:14px;} A {COLOR:Navy; CURSOR:crosshair; FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma; font-size:10px; text-decoration:none;} A:hover {COLOR:pink; CURSOR:\"crosshair\"; text-decoration:none; }</style>

<style>IMG{filter:invert;} body,td,p{color:skyblue; background:
black;}A{color:Red;}A:hover{color:black;background:white;border:dotted 1;}</style>