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Skateboarding is a way of life!!!
skateboard sites

yeah, skateboarding. it's a sport, way of life, and an art for all ages, and all races. Anyone can do it. Plus it's THE funnest thing in the world! well, knowone really emailed me about the site so until i hear from someone, your not gonna see your words on the internet any time soon! this weeks topic is about the term "poser" what is a poser? is it some rich snob who buys a $200$ board the first time he steps on one just to be popular? well...YEAH! but that is about the only time you should call someone a "poser" because just like the slogan for this site, anyone at all can skate if that is what THEY want to do; not what the crowd is doing. So don't make fun of someone if they have a crappy board, or shoes that aren't made for skateboarding or cheesy-looking pads or helmet. They are most likely beginners who just want to have fun, and after all, that is what the sport is about FUN!!!! well i g2g for now but i will be back to finish this sometime this week, 'till then don't call someone a poser unless its a rich bastard with a better board then you!lol :~) Here is an article from our first week on the site! which also happened to be last week!...~ Unfortunatley, the world of skateboarding has become totally is good that it has become popular and there are skateparks everywhere, but man, skateboarding on a Coco Puffs commercial?! it is becoming the new american pastime which is good but kids are coming to skateparks with K-mart boards saying~ "i can drop in on this 14 foot ramp, i am really good at Tony Hawk's Pro Skater game" and i feel bad for them because they think it is so easy but i also feel a little well not mad but frusterated because they don't understand how hard it is just to skate. i have been skateboarding for at least 5 years and im not that great. i skate vert but i will skate anything i think is skateable. I personally don't mind having skateboarding be commercialized a little just not this much. Tony Hawk, the man has done such great things to the sport and he has achieved so many great accomplishments and yes, one of them was definately the 900. And so many people say he is a sell-out or a poser. honestly you tell me if you landed something knowone else had ever done before, wouldn't you want everyone in the world to know? I thought so. he can't help it that he is a great skater! plus i have met him a couple times and he is a really nice guy so stop raggin on him! if you have any questions or comments about the site, pro skaters, or trick tips please feel free to email me at and my aim screenname is ezb326 check back every week for updates! next week look for my and your(if you email me)opinions about posers is there such a thing?
if you have any questions or comments about the site, pro skaters, or trick tips please feel free to email me at and my aim screenname is ezb326 check back every week for updates! next week look for my and your(if you email me)opinions about posers is there such a thing?
My man tony