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Again I Go Unnoticed

Again I go unnoticed...


A little bit about me... Well, I'm a bitterly sweet seventeen year old female student who lives in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. (Picture above) I live about 20 miles from civilization in every direction, but I don't mind... usually. My birthday is February 27, 1987. I was almost a leap year birthday. Almost wish I would've been, that would've been nifty.

... Brown paper packages wrapped up in string, these are a few of my favorite things...

My favorite colors are black, red, pink, and white. I have long, long blonde hair(naturally)/red hair(dyed), blue eyes and glasses. I love music and art of all kinds... I used to hope to get into either a singing career or into fashion designing... but Now... I really have no clue. People say I should get into an art related field of work because I'm not too shabby (so I'm told)... But then I wonder if I should go into psychology... because I'm alright at giving advice and such... and it's one of the few things that gives me any sense of accomplishment at all.


"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" Ghandi
"In the end, it doesn't even matter" Linkin Park
"Today is yesterday's tomorrow." Unknown
"Ring death's doorbell and run, He hate's that." Unknown
"The World Is a Ghetto" POD

My random sadness

When you threw me against the wall, something had to give and it wouldnt be the wall... Kill me.. Heal me... sigh. i'm so lost and never found the world around me is falling down and when i linger on the grounds, the dogs they come and chase me out. staring through your window, you dont know i see.... i wish you would look out at me, and ribbons hidden up my sleeve, to hang me with my handmade noose, because i feel no love from you. well, that was random things put together. dont ask... well, ask maybe. i dont know, i dont care
another random place to search...