Evil Retrieval

Evil Retrieval - Evil Retrieval

There is not much information about this band, but i'll tell you what I found out about them. They are from Germany and their influences are punk, ska, hardcore, industrial and experimental. They don't have an official webpage, so I can't give you too much background information about the band.

The song Evil Retrieval begins with a quirky piano riff then it has a really cool drum fill which speeds it up a bit. To me this sounds like a one person band but all of the instruments are well done. No one instrument stands out where others lack in quality. I guess I would say that this song is kind of a hardcore/experimental song. I can imagine Mike Patton of Fantomas/Faith No More fame doing some of his crazy vocals over this song. The production of the song is top notch as well.

Evil Retrieval is an excellent song. My only thing that I would like from this band is some more information and some more songs. Keep up the good work and let everyone know when you post some new songs as just one song isn't enough.

For the limited information and to download the Evil Retrieval song, you can visit their Soundclick page by clicking below.