Black Nova - Waiting Here(Fast Mix)

Black Nova is a one-man black metal band by Zell Sabrehaven. Synths and computer programs make up Black Nova’s music. Waiting Here(Fast Mix) even though recorded by synths and computer programs doesn't have the best sound quality and the song seems to be cut short. The vocals are in the screaming black metal style and the lyrics are incomprehensible. I found the song to be boring and there was little to grab my attention. The drumming in the song is a little different and it sounds like some time was put into creating the drum tracks but that's not enough to make this song memorable for me. Black Nova's influences are Burzum, Darkthrone, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir and Emperor. Out of those bands, I would say that they are most similar to Darkthrone. I'm not a big fan of the black metal genre and I can only suggest this song only to diehard fans of black metal. Give Black Nova a listen and form your own opinion.

For more information,visit their website by clicking below.