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Rules of Shinai Combat --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1-No head shots!!! Do not hit anyone in the head! However if it occurs, the person who was hit in the head decides they need to step out due to the head shot. If so, then the fighter that hit them should also step out. The exception to this is if the fighter hit in the head caused the hit.

2-No thrusting!!! Do not thrust, poke or jab!

3-Gauntlet The gauntlet extends from the bend in the elbow down to the finger tips. If you are hit in the gauntlet it does not count, continue fighting. However, you cannot block with the gauntlet. If you do, then you lose the arm. Unless the arm blocked a killing shot, then you treat the hit as though the arm was not there, and take the kill.

4-Ankle Gauntlet The ankle gauntlet extends form the ankle down. If you are hit in the ankle gauntlet it does not count, continue fighting. However, you cannot block with the gauntlet. If you do, then you lose the leg.

5-Power Do not intentionally swing hard! We are out here to have fun and learn, not to hurt people. If you are hit hard, then ask the fighter to watch their power. If you are asked to watch your power then please do so.

6-Backstab Any hit form behind kills you no matter where or how hard. Please keep in mind that the tap is a courtesy. Accept it and extend the courtesy to others.

7-Fly-fishing Fly-fishing consists of holding your weapon on the bottom half of the hilt during a swing. Any hit from this type of swing does not count.

8-Taking hits When you get hit, think about the hit. Would it have cleaved you? Or would it have just drawn blood? If it is just a scratch, it does not count. A cleave is when two or more inches of the blade contact your body. Drawing blood is when less than two inches of the blade contact your body. Note that this does not in any way, shape or form imply power.

9-Loss of limb When you lose an arm tuck it behind your back. When you lose a leg either drag the leg or hop on your other leg. When you lose two limbs you are dead.

The games we play. Circle up: This is our warm up for the night. We gather the fighters together to form a circle. Two fighters step into the middle of the circle and fight to first blood. The fighter that dies determines the direction of the circle. Whether the one on the right or left is the next in. A brief greeting between the two in the middle and combat commences. The fighters have to stay within the circle.

Speed Circle: The same rules as circle only there is no greeting between fighters. The direction is chosen before combat is started and when one fighter dies they call out dead loudly and the next in line is active at that point. Backstabs are legal. If a double kill is called the next two fighters are live and start fighting where they are. They have to make their way into the middle of the circle.

Battles: Teams are chosen using rock-paper-scissors. Choosing one fighter at a time until all fighters are on a team. Fight until one team is eliminated. Best 2 out of 3.

Queens: Same as Battles except the captains of the teams are queens and they can heal a limb (not a kill) with a touch. Queens must have one free hand to heal.

Kings: Same as queens, only with kings.

Icons: Captains can heal with one hand, and have a poison blade (same as Ace in Card game) in the other. If either hand is lost, so is that ability. Meaning if an Icon is fighting with their right hand and looses the left hand they can no longer heal. Like wise if they loose their right hand they can no longer use a sword, but they are not dead. Everyone else is a regular fighter. The game is over when the Icon dies.

Small teams:This is the same as battles only with two, three, or four man teams.

Free for All: Just as it sounds. Every fighter for themselves. No teams allowed. The last fighter standing is the winner.

Cards: The two captains are Kings. Their first pick is a Queen, the second is an Ace, the next is the Jack, then the Wild Card if available, from there they pick as in standard battle. The King and Queen have the same roles as their respective games. The Ace has a poison blade, this means that any legal hit (this includes gauntlets) kills the victim. The Jack is the only fighter that can have more than one sword. They have two swords. Wild cards fight with a shield. Everyone else is normal and fights with only one sword.

Peasant Uprising: This battle is different in the fact that one team is out numbered two or three to one. Everyone lines up and the captains pick one or two vassals depending on the size of the group. If it is a small group the captains pick one vassal, if it is a large group then they pick two. No matter what the size no more than two vassals are picked. With this battle the fighters that know how to work as a team demonstrate the ability to teach others how to work as a unit.

Marbles: This works the same way as small man teams except that the teams are chosen by color. Blue, red, green, yellow, black, and white. Six teams in all. A head count is taken and the marbles are divided to make even teams with the exception of the black team there is always just one black marble. Fighters can hint at there color, they can say there color and they can lie about there color! No fighter can show their marble until the end of the game when all fighter believe they are all on the same team. Then all fighters have to show their marble. If any is of a different color the battle continues.

Gold: Gold is played directly after the Marble game. All fighters keep their marbles and a free for all battle starts. When a fighter gets a kill they get one marble even if the fighter they just killed has more than one. The battle is played until there is just one fighter left on the field. Then we count how many marbles everyone has. The one with the most marbles wins. If there is a tie for first then a duel is fought for a winner of the game.

Specials: Any weapon ( pole-arms, maces, etc...) may be used by any fighter qualified to use the weapon. Teams are picked as usual and the battle is a standard battle.

Knights n Squires: Kings are chosen and they each choose a Knight. After both knights have been chosen the Knight that was picked first chooses one squire then the other Knight does the same. The Knights then choose another squire. Only two Squires are chosen per Knight unless there is a big group then more can be chosen as needed. The Kings then pick another Knight and they in turn pick Squires. When there are no more Knights to be picked, if there are any fighters left, the kings can then choose the remaining fighters as their 'vassals'. The Knights follow the Kings directions and are responsible for their Squires. When a Knight dies his squires also leave the battle. When the king dies the battle is over. We also have done this game with healing Kings.

Numbers: Team captains are chosen and sent to the other side of the field. The fighters line up against the wall, and are given a number ( If there are 20 fighters then #1 - #20). The captains are called back over, told what the last number is. They then choose numbers instead of fighters.

Random team battle: This is usually our last fight of the night. Team captains (Usually 5 depending on numbers) pick 4 or 5 fighters (again depending on numbers) to be on their team. When all teams have been picked, battle begins. No ganging up on a team, meaning only two teams may be engaged at a time. There is no back stabbing except if your team in currently engaged in a battle, then you may backstab anyone on the other team. When you die, you go to the dead pool. When there are enough fighters in the dead pool to make a team (same size team as on the field), you are now a new team and step onto the field and fight. The number of fighters on a team depends on the number of people fighting. There can be no less than three teams. So when the number of fighters drops, the teams get smaller.

This site is dedacated to the under construction Renaissance Guild at Santa Fe High School. In order to join this guild contact me via e-mail at: a title the e-mail "Santa Fe Guild" Please include Full name and phone #. Thank you Shawn

aka Jinnakor Fletcherson of Nevermere

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<bgsound src="" loop="infinite"> Current Members: Shawn Tallon (Creator), James Lawver