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Sphagnum Moss: The Southwesterly winds coming from the Atlantic Ocean creates precipitation, and creates the bogs that are common in Ireland. The sphagnum moss grows only in waterlogged areas, and the frequent rain helps it thrive. When the moss dies it becomes peat, which is farmed and used for fuel.

Sundews: These plants are also common to bogs, and the waterlogged areas are common with the climate. Sundews are carnivorous plants, and the bugs that multiply in the swampy water is an excellent food source.

Lichens and Heathers: These plants grow only on waterlogged ground, near bogs.

Common Tway Blade: This plant grows mainly in grasslands and woodlands, and Ireland's mild climate(from the Atlantic Ocean) allows for lush fields and woodland, no extreme heat or cold would disturb this plant.

Common Spotted Orchid: This plant is common in damp pastures, and the mild climate, along with the frequent rain creates these wet fields. Because the ground is so fertile, the woodlands were cleared long ago for farming, therefore leaving open pastures.

Irish Lady's Tresses: This is a rare plant, and grows in swampy grasslands. The open land and heavy rain creates the perfect environment.

Northern Marsh-Orchid: This plant tends to grow in swampy areas near the sea. Ireland is an island, and has many swampy areas.


Carabidae and Dragonflies: These insects perfer damp, swampy areas, and are commonly found in bogs. Ireland gets a lot of rain from the Southwesterly winds, and therefore creates the bogs that these insects live in.

Skylarks: Skylarks also live in bogs, or swampy areas. They feed on the dragonflies and other bugs that live in the swamps. Without the precipitation, the bogs the skylarks inhabit would not be there.

Badgers and Rabbits: Both rabbits and badgers live in woodlands bordering open fields. Ireland's mild climate and rain creates the habitat these creatures live in.

Feral Goats: The feral goats live high in the mountains, which are still lush, and not very severe as mountains go.

Climate Factors Ireland's biome is the Temperate Deciduous Forest, meaning the climate is temperate and mild, and there are four different seasons. Ireland is surrounded by water, and this keeps the climate mild, and the Southwesterly winds coming from the Atlantic Ocean bring a great deal of precipitaion.
