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Help me, please!

Help my friend, please! The year 2002 has been a very bad year for my friends financially. She and her husband have been in and out of the hospital. He had cancer five years ago and survived that but this year everything has gone wrong. In January, she had a double partial mastectomy. In May, he had open heart surgery involving a triple bypass and a valve replacement. She broke her ankle in August. Then in October, two of his three bypasses collapsed. He went in to have stents put in and he hemorhaged with the first surgery. While he was in the hospital, she hemorhaged (female problems) and had an emergency hysterectomy. He came home on October 12th and she came home on October 13th. Then he went back into the hospital on October 31st for the second stent (they couldn't do it the first time due to the complications of hemorhaging). He's back to work at $9.00 an hour but she is still home recovering from surgery. Needless to say, all of this time off from work has hurt them financially. They need your help. Please help them get back on their feet. They've been without income off and on all year and they are really struggling to pay their bills. If you can help them, if only one dollar, contact me at Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! Tell your friends to help my friends.

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