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This is a website dedicated to my girlfriend Keri Bourland. I love her soooooo much. We started going out on August 15,2003 and I love her more everyday. On her B-day, January 2,2003 will be going out for 5 months!!! UPDATE1/15/04 hey i dont know whats going on i really love her i just dont know if feels the same the last thing i want 2 do is lose her. Like today i dont know wat i did i barely talked to her and it feels like i did something. Maybe i did i have no idea. I know i called her names and shit but that stopped. I ran out of ways to show her i love he. All i know is that I do I really do Ill try more and harder to prove that i do but i have no idea what to say or what to do anmore. Ill try soo hard now. I just feel that i cant be good for her anymore and i really dont know what to do. Without her i have no idea what to do. I just cant feel like this anymore, like she doesnt care any more. I know ive done a lot of things and i understand if she wants to dump me, but i really do care about her and i hope she realizes that. I just want her to do something or say something so i know that she still cares. I dont want her to feel like crap anymore.

My Favorite things about Keri <3

My Favorite Web Sites

Keris Xanga
Keris profile