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Welcome to Bloody Tears

Welcome everybody to Bloody Tears, a webpage for SI's where you can find helpful information, post your feelings, and can contact me anytime. I have been a cutter for two years now, along with having major depression, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I have been on several medications, my most recient is Zoloft. I am in therapy now, and have been for about 3 monthes. I have had a suicide attempt where I overdosed on Paxil, and was rushed to the hospital, during school. I am making this page because I know how it feels to need someone, but am too scared to go for that help. Feel free to look around. Also feel free to write on the message board~Visit My Message Board

Other SI Websites

No More Secrets~Self-Injury group
Bleeding on the Couch~SI and ED webpage, great lyrics too
Enchanted Wings~Everything on this page! lyrics, poems, message boards, pictures, info about SI, ED, along with other personality disorders
For Self Harmers Everywhere~Another SI group

How to Contact Me!