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Welcome To Typetool-Quickbuild-Script


  1. Jscript for Text-Formating with RightMouseButton (R1.0)
  2. WYSIWYG-Text-Formating for any Textarea (R2.0)
  3. with Security Check (R3.0)
  4. with Div-Tools for Online-Designing (R4.0)
  5. Editor-Options, Open/Save-Local Files, Content Recover, Chipcard-Data Insert, Find (R5.0)
  6. Simpler And Flexibler Integration (R5.5)

Actual Version:

* NEW * Highlight-Hotkeys, Return/Shift+Return, Security Uploads (R6.0) * NEW *

Textarea 1:
Textarea 2:

Very easy integration:

You need to add below lines at bottom of your HTML-Pages (e.g. direct before </BODY> or between </BODY> and </HTML> or after </HTML>) .
That's all.
Then you can input HTML-Codes (or something else) fast and correctly into any text-input element (input text, textarea).
By Textarea can user format their Text visually.

<script src='http://......./jscript/quickbuild.js'></script>

UPLOAD-feature needs also editing the file "upload.html" (see there).

If you don't like default configuation, you can modify it with 3 methods.

  1. Once for whole site: Change global Variables, which you need,  in file QUICKBUILD.JS.
  2. Flexible for a specific page: Set global Variales, which you need, after the varialbes QBPATH of the over 1st line.
    e.g: <script>QBPATH='http://....../jscript'; VISUAL=0; SECURE=0; USEFORM=1;</script>
  3. Combine between both showed methods.



Posible Values


QBPATH='.' 'http://....../jscript' Where is quickbuild.js on web-server ?
SECURE=1; 0,1;  all tags <script>, <meta>, on-events.... turn to normal text.
VISUAL=1;  0,1,2,3,4,.. see under
POPWIN=1;  1,0 Enable Right-click Popup dialog
DFFACE=''; 'times new roman'; Default fontFamily of Editor
DFSIZE='';    '14px'; Default fontSize
DCOLOR='';  'blue'; Default color
DBGCOL='';  'green'; Default backgroundColor
DBGIMG='';    Default URL-backgroundImage 
DCSS='';    'test.css'; Default External Stylesheet-URL
SYMBOLE='<QBFBR>' ;    Symbole for end-of-field in clipboard-chipcard.
USETABLE=1;  0,1 Support table editor
USEFORM=0; 0,1 Support inputing forms and their elements
RETURNNL=1; 0,1 1=Newline by pressing RETURN-Button and New paragraph by SHIFT+RETURN
FULLCTRL=0; 0,1 0=fast loading; 1=display all control buttons

VISUAL=0 : Textarea turn to Editor after confirmation
VISUAL=1 : all Textareas turn to Editors
VISUAL=2 : spezific textareas turn to Editors
VISUAL=3 : all Iframes turn to Editors
VISUAL=4 : spezific Iframes turn to Editors
VISUAL=other : no Visual-Editor

If you want to turn on only one specific textarea, then :

<script>QBPATH='http://....../jscript'; VISUAL=-1;</script>
<script src='http://......./jscript/quickbuild.js'></script>


xxx= form index  (=0....n)
yyy= textarea name

Not required: registration   :D
Required: rating by Please choose a option below and click the button. Thanks.

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Very Good

Release by VIETDEV, welcome
R1.0 : 2002/04/23
R2.0 : 2002/05/23
R3.0 : 2002/06/12
R4.0 : 2002/07/08
R5.0 : 2002/09/26
R5.5 : 2002/10/20
R6.0 : 2002/11/02