
There's this awesome new band called Gob, and everyone needs to go check them out at the Digital Street Team website here. If you still need some convincing, check out the video for their single 'Give Up the Grudge'.


Believe me, you won't regret it.

Fight against hate. Fight against terrorism. Fight against fear. Fight against war. Fight for peace. Fight for love. Fight to imagine.

Imagine, by John Lennon

Visit the NCCJ
MTV's Fight for Your Rights Campaign z

Okay, some of you are probably wondering right now, "Where' the story??" Well, I have decided to rearrange a few things on the site to make room for some new stuff and activities.

I feel horrible about not writing the sequel to 'Shadow', but honestly I have been trying! All of my ideas pretty much start from the middle of the story and work their way to the end, and the beginning is still a mystery to me. I gonna get it going, soon! I hope!

If any of you love the site FanFiction.net, you probably know what a horrible thing they've done to the majority of the writers they hosted. They have banned all fiction that is 'real person' based, which includes any and all music groups and musicians. Since many of their authors now have no place to go, I have decided to open up *Welcome.to.Happyland* for hosting. These are stories that I have read and love, and I am very excited to be of help to them.

The first story I'm hosting is titled "Love is Crazy", and it's a Lance Bass based 'N Sync story written by MissTerious. The sequel, Life is Crazy, is soon to follow.

Thank you everyone for all your patience, I hope you enjoy what is next to come!

MissTerious Writings
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who dat?
Okay, this little campaign here means a lot to me, because it speaks the truth. I can really identify, since I live in the states, all I have is the music to go by. I don't have t.v. appearances (although I do try hard) and the internet (not that great). Love them for their music, and not for their looks. Regardless of how gorgeous they are (which they are ;D), they would still make the same great music if they weren't. They're still teenagers like you and me, maybe its time people started identifying with them instead of worshipping them.

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