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We have moved to

Dearest friends, lately we have realized that the company that hosts Kat’s guest book has closed down probably due to financial reasons or otherwise. This is rather disappointing because it is the 2nd time that something like this had happened. As a result, we have decided to move Kat’s homepage to a permanent address with a permanent guest book, preventing entry loss, and to make sure that her homepage will always be around.

Minor editing is done to the layout of her old homepage so it will be faster to upload, everything else would be kept the way she had left them. Also, there will be a new section, which tells people about the story after…

We are trying our best to preserve her story… If you have any questions or problems, please visit the new address and write to us.


親愛的朋友們, 很不幸小鈺的簽到簿又再次消失了…那加公司很像也倒閉了. 這讓我們很擔心,萬一哪一天Angelfire也倒了,小鈺的故事也跟著不見. 為了不讓這發生我們決定將小鈺的網頁搬家到一個永久的網址.

舊的網頁做了小修改好讓上傳快一點 不過大同小別沒少東西 多的是一個新部分告訴一些不知道的人小鈺後來的故事…

我們很努力的想延續她的故事… 如果有疑問或困擾的話請看新網址和我們聯絡.