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Insane dosen't even begin to descibe this psychopath. Grown up under the bootheel of Apocalypse as a mentor 2000 years in the future, Stryfe grew up to become one of the strong, the victorious, the ruthless among all the week. Stryfe never actually had a real name to go by, he was groomed from his conception (which was in a cloning chamber) to become the next host for Apocalypse's organic soul. The teachings of Apocalypse made Stryfe hard, cruel and carless towards anything. He was made leader of the Cannanites (the military loyal to Apocalypse's rule). He led the rule of his "father" to unconquered lands, and was faithful to destroying the Askani clan, a large group of Rebels who was led by Stryfe's original host, Cable. During this time when Stryfe and Cable both were becoming older, Stryfe killed Cables wife Jenskot, and kidnapped (and later brainwashed) his son Tyler. Further into the future Stryfe traveled to our time (unbeknowest to Cable) to (what is assumed by millions of comic fans) escape the possesion of Apocalypse from taking over his body.

Now in the 20th century, Stryfe began to relate his own life to what was presantly taking place in the here-and-now. Before he started up the MLF, it was recorded that he was present in Mexico several years ago buying weapons from Rictor's father Louis Richter, who he later had killed. He also found the time to destroy Warpath's home, the Native American reservation known as Camp Verde (for unknown reasons). Once establishing himself in the world, he took advantage of a few high school dropouts, collage kids, and other misfortunate youths he had met to form the Mutant Liberation Front. A group of angry mutants (much like X-Force) who really didn't care about humans or mutants, they just did exactly what Stryfe told them to do out of fear. During one of their last missions, the MLF were defeated at the hands of the X-Men, and Stryfe took advantage of the "Dark Riders", a group of disfigured mutants loyal to Apocalypse in this time. After defeating Apocalypse in combat, and turning the Dark Ridres on the X-Men, Stryfe set forth an event that to this day has still shaken up all the teams with an X in front of thier names. After a fit of rage against both his parents (Cyclops and Jean Grey) and his "brother" Cable, he unleashed uopn the whole planet the "Legacy Virus". the Legacy Virus was Stryfe's final way of mocking Apocalypse, by destroying the strong so the meak could inherrit the Earth. The legacy virus was specificly designed to effect only mutants, and in doing so has killed off a few of the X-Men's allies as well as quite a few of thier enemies.

Since his death on the moon, Stryfe has returned very few times than expected, by only as to inhabbit Cables mind and take over his body. He's only returned once in the pages of X-Force where we learned that he had been rotting in Hell since his death, and tried to escape once when Warpath died and was a pawn in Stryfe's attempt to escape the underworld. As long as his soul lives, he's still a threat. Apocalypse taught him too well to give up any hope of just fading away.