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Born amondgst the northern moutains of Montana as a daughter of the Apache Native American Tribe, Danielle Moonstar was sent to Charels Xavier's school by her grandfather shortly after her powers came to develop. Possesing the abilities to project a persons thoughts in 3-D view, she took the name Psyche under the tutaladge of Professor Xavier as one of the first new Mutants. Taking the reigns as leader of the team after teammate Karma left, her and Sam Guthrie were in constant competition (over what, I'm not sure). But in the end, Sam would eventually take over as leader when Dani left the New Mutants to stay in Asguard and help with the Valkaries (New Mutants #87).

A few years passed untill Dani showed her mug in the pages of X-Force, but to everybody's surprise, it was as a member of the newly reformed MLF (Mutant Liberation Front), and also had in her possesion a horse that could fly named Windsong (X-Force #27). Moonstar and the Mlf showed up very few times after that, but during that time we found that her relationship with the MLF was not a stable one. It was Dani that secretly helped X-Force nail Feral in New York for her crimes (X-Force #41), and after that Dani fought alongside X-Force to take down Riegnfire after he had killed her horse Windsong (X-Force #43). Further into X-Force's history we find that Dani's time spent with the MLF was only as an undercover agent for SHIELD. (X-Force #67), after X-Force had to rescue her, she was then accepted into the team, but only after they left Cable behind.

Dani's recent enlistment with X-Force seemed to go well over with fans across the world. I for one find her to be very weak, and some sort of deadweight for the team, I plead you guys at Marvel to get rid of her!!!