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The boy you see here is named Samuel Guthrie, but don't let the smile fool you, if you piss him off enough he'll rub your nose in the dirt with his kinetic blast field. Sam was birthed on a large farm in a small community named Cumberland located in the heart of Kentucky. The oldest of many siblings, Sam learned at an early age to always take the blame and none of the credit. After his father died young Sam took the riegns of the family by working in the local coal mines. That is until the day he found that he was a mutant. Discovering that he had the ability to create a kinetic blast field around his body, as well as to use the field to launch himself through the air (hence the name Cannonball) he was invited by Professor Xavier to join the New Mutants. As one of the teams founding members he also co-led the team alongside Dani Moonstar (Psyche). Sam seemed to be one of the few New Mutants who actualy enjoyed what he, without responsibility, that is until he met the man named Cable. After X-Force was formed Sams life was in store for more excitment than anyone could handle.

Sam was the only original member of The New Mutants who stuck it out with the team until the end, and was also present during the formation of X-Force. Just like a good pupil Sam always obeyed his mentors, He did it with Professor Xavier, as well as Magneto, but with Cable, Sam began to have mistrust. He was questioning Cables desicions constantly, and always trying to figure the mans past as well as his agenda. And to Sams surprise Cable always submitted any information Sam needed so he could gain sams trust. You see it was mainly because of Sam that Cable formed X-Force. One day when X-Force was fighting the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Sam died at the hands of Sauron (X-Force #7), only to come back to life shortly there after, thats when Cable told him the truth, Sam is immortal. With his knowledge of what the future has in store, Cable was grooming Sam to become the savior of the future, to one day destroy the mad despot known as Apocalypse who would one day rule the Earth with great tyranny. Sam has had practicly no difficulty accepting this fact. He has made no pledges to Cable's cause, the only thing he still fights for is the dream of peaceful co-existance with humanity and mutantkind. And if Apocalypse is to one day stand in front of that goal, then he will be dealt with in due time. Meanwhile Sams life with X-Force got a bit more turbulant. Sam was made leader of X-Force after Cable had died (X-Force #19). He lost his freind Roberto in a fight with the MLF (X-Force #28), and Illyanna Rasputin to the legacy virus (Uncanny X-Men #303). He found out that his sister Paige is also a mutant (X-Force #32). And he became the first New Mutant to become an X-Man (X-Force #44). Sam left the team after Professor Xavier and Cable decided it was best to fight alongside the X-Men. While many fans were pissed that Cannonball had left the team, I saw it as his next step in his possible future as leader of the X-Men (X-Force annual 1) but that theory was put to rest when he once again joined up with X-Force (X-Force #84).

Now as a man, Samuel has proven to many that if he was to be Earths last hope for survival that he would definatly not disappoint anyone. His long affair with teammate Tabitha Smith (Meltdown) ended up in at a dead end when he caught her making out with his best freind Roberto DaCoasta (X-Force #76). Tough break Sammy, I'm willing to bet he's still a virgin. Oh Well, better to save yourself for true love, than to give it up to some whore (lord knows I've made that mistake too many times).