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Waz up with WAZ UP GOODIES

What is up with Waz Up Goodies????? Hi I am Sunny....The founder of this AMAZINg page. I am here to reveal the story of the WAZ UP GOODIES?????

Waz up Goodies part I

Once apon a time there was a boy....whose name I shall not reveal. He had a power...a sense of direction...a power known to be Waz UP goodies. Now I shall refer to this power as WUG. This boy...age 13 is just starting to realize the power. He is having vauge thoughts...Thoughts about other things....thoughts about his power the thought of three words.....WAZ UP GOODIES..

Lets go on with the story....This kid was a normal. At least he lOOked normal. But that was like "Judging a book by the cover!" This boy was sort of alone....HE loved the internet though. He loved his web page. And he always had a hankerin for BARNEY. He did not know why but that purple dinosaur looked SOOOOOO KOOOOOOOOL. Some kids started to kall him 'BAAANIII' which only meant BARNEY!!! How sad...

The kid collected all of Barney's new cd's "I LOVE YOU" was his favorite song!!! But when he started thinking of WAZ uP GOOdIEs...He knew what powers he posessed....

The power was the power of WAz UP GOODIES...Whenever he said that name it powered him up...It was like mere seconds he felt like barney...He now knew that he could fight those mean creeps who called him 'BAAAAANNNNIIII'....

Soon enough the kids aproched the young Kuii Doll....OOps.. I was not supposed to say his name....AAAGGGGHHHH...Kuii let go of me....(punch)...(kick)...(moments later)...(minutes later)...(hours later).....(days later)...(months later).... GO HERE!!!to continue the story!