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Hi. I am Akash, vice-president to the president, Sunny, of this wonderful and AmAzIn WeB sItE. I'm here to talk about the new system by Sega, Dreamcast. This new, next-generation, 128 bit system, has a 200mhz processor, a 56k modem for online multiplayer gaming, runs on Windows CE, and is arguably the best system out there. We both agree, even though we both, Sunny and I,between us, have all of the next generation sytems that are out, including Dreamcast.

Here are the first games we will be covering

5. NFL2K

4.Sonic Adventure

3.Power Stone

2.House of the Dead 2

And the number one pick is....

1.Soul Calibur

Hey Immmm back....this is SK...waz up and waz happenin!!! We will be covering a lot of neat Dreamcast stuff on this page so PUCKER up! First...the games!!! Every week i will put a review on a certian Dreamcast game. If there are ne questions regarding any of the games contact me at Ok! But for the first week of the release, i have made special pages covering the utilities of the Dreamcast. So sit back and relax.

Here are some details of the system!

Hitachi SH-4
200MHz clock rate
360 MIPS (millions of instructions per second)
1.4 billion floating-point operations per second 
3D calculations
800+ MBytes/second bus bandwidth 

Graphics Core:
NEC PowerVR Second Generation
3 million polygons/second peak rendering rate
Perspective-Correct Texture Mapping
Point, Bilinear, Trilinear and Anisotropic Mip-map filtering
Gouraud shading
Colored light sourcing
Full scene anti-aliasing
Hardware-based Fog
Bump mapping
16.77 million colors
Hardware-based texture compression
Shadow and Light volumes
Super sampling

16 MB main RAM
8 MB video RAM
2 MB sound RAM

Yamaha Sound Core
DSP for real-time effects
64 sound channels
Full 3D sound support
Hardware-based audio compression

Storage Media:
1 Gbyte data storage
12x speed Constant Angular Velocity drive

Control Pad:
Digital and analog directional controls
Dual analog triggers
Visual Memory System data save unit

Expansion Options:
Modem: 56k
56K bytes per second transfer rate