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September 10, 1974-August 4, 1994

My Special Angel
Missing you more
each and everyday

Memorial to Kayla Rolland

Hello, my name is Renee. I live in a small town of Saint Charles MI. I am married and have three children. Their ages are 20 years, 12 years and 4 years old. This page is my memorial to my very own special angel My brother: Steven Kapuscik. He was not only my brother but my best friend. He was killed in a car accident on August 4, 1994. One month before his 20th birthday.

Steven was 13 years younger than me. I remember the day that Steven was born. He was so tiny, but grew up to be a very caring person. I remember how we use to play matchbox cars. When he was small he use to play drums with the pots and pans. Steven had a lot of talent. When he grew older he taught himself how to play the drums and the guitar. He always wanted to be a rockstar. When my son Jeremy was born, Steven was so proud to be an uncle even though he was only 5 years old. Those two were inseprateable. They were more like brothers than uncle and nephew. Jeremy really misses him. He was not only his uncle but best friend.

I remember going out trick or treating with him, my mom, and my son. Oh how they would run ahead of us having so much fun. Every year we would ask what they wanted to dress up as, and it was the same old thing year after year! Dracula! I remember one year when Steven was sick, Jeremy went up to the houses and was asking for extra candy for his sick uncle.

I remember the holidays like Christmas. We use to tell him and my son that the blinking red light in the sky was santa bringing them their presents(when they were small). As he grew I remember him always waiting for mom and dad on Christmas Eve to give him his card with his money. He would say the next day (Christmas Day) "is there any stores open" We always opened presents on Christmas Eve night, so there were never any stores open. The holidays are not the same any more.

In the summer time, we would go camping. When Steven was small, him and my son would sit for hours on the beach and play with matchbox cars. As they grew older, they would sit for hours on the beach and watch the girls. Steven had long blonde hair with a slight curl in it like a heavy metal rock star, and a beautiful smile, and always had a nice tan.

n My Special Angel
Always in my heart

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