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Vegeta (Veggie-chan!)
Don't look at me like that Veggie!

Vegeta, Prince of the Saiya-jins. He's a smart ass, egotistical, extremely confident, royal to-die-for hottie! *L*

The look says it all...he's a Saiya-jin alright...*L*

Now Veggie, don't be surprised that I drove your's fine...all in one piece ^_^

What the...?

Veggie's reaction to my ability to become SSJ4 Alyndriel...^_~

Umm...I used his hairpray...oops...-_-

My favorite SSJ4 Veggie pic!

The first word that comes to mind...(well, after WOWWOWWOW!)...buff! *L*

Somebody get the disinfectant and antiseptic and a washcloth over here before he freeks too much and dies..sheesh...*L*

Something about this picture that I really like...I'm not sure what tho..*L*

Majin Veggie ready to kick some punk ass! *L*

Veggie sitting with a scowl on his face.

Veggie gives the thumbs up signal to Goku...from the ground..*L*

Vegeta, prince of the Saiya-jins...wait...when did his hair turn brown? *L*

The once in a lifetime opportunity to see Veggie actually relaxing for a moment...

Two words for ya....leather pants...O_O

Veggie in leather pants....again..*L* Bulma and Bra are in the backround.

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Vegeta and Dragon Ball Z are copyrighted by Akira Toriyama, FUNimation, and Cartoon Network. I am in no way trying to infringe on the copyrighted material, just trying to promote intrest in the anime.