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S.L.C. Punk!

***S.L.C. PUNK!*** ***S.L.C. PUNK!*** ***S.L.C. PUNK!*** ***S.L.C. PUNK!*** ***S.L.C. PUNK!*** ***S.L.C. PUNK!*** ***S.L.C. PUNK!*** ***S.L.C. PUNK!*** ***S.L.C. PUNK!*** ***S.L.C. PUNK!*** ***S.L.C. PUNK!*** ***S.L.C. PUNK!*** ***S.L.C. PUNK!*** ***S.L.C. PUNK!*** ***S.L.C. PUNK!*** ***S.L.C. PUNK!*** ***S.L.C. PUNK!*** ***S.L.C. PUNK!***

This part of my page is completely dedicated to the great movie, SLC Punk! Click on the movie poster to go to the official site of the movie 'S.L.C. Punk!'


Stevo is a punk in Salt Lake City during 1985. At this point, there were scarcely any punks anywhere in the Mormon-infested town S.L.C. Stevo grew up a nerd constantly picked on with his only friend, Bob (later named Heroin Bob), until he became involved in punk, and everything changed. Stevo's dad is a wealthy business lawyer who wants his son to be a Harvard grad and payed off Stevo's teachers as he made his way through high-school. So it's up to Stevo: be a punk and try to bring down society/the system in place of anarchy, or go to Harvard on the east coast and make himself a future? Watch the d*mn movie and find out yourself.

Events in S.L.C. Punk

In SLCP, so many events happen, it's hard to remember them all. The pic above is one of the first show that Stevo, Bob, and Mike (the hardcore nerd) go to with the heavy foreign band and the riot. SLCP is as inside a guy's life as you can get in a movie, and it shows what happens to old acquaintences, how Stevo and Bob spend their time and stuff. I really love that small lecture/speach Stevo gives in the mall about posers and the origin of punk rock: "Living in the city, there were plenty of punks, but there were also as many posers. Posers were people that looked like punks, but they did it for fashion! They were fools, they'd say 'anarchy in the U.K.!' Ya see? Posers. I mean, we live in Salt Lake City. It was a Sex Pistol thing, right? They were from England, they were British, it was what they did. They were allowed to go on about 'anarchy in the U.K.' You don't live your life by lyrics, I mean thats all you heard from these trendy f*cks. They're like, 'hey, you hear the new Smith's album? It's f*cking terrif!' There's kids walking around Utah saying terrif, stupid little English twang. See what I mean? What the f*ck's up with the England bullsh*t? The Union Jack is a F*G! ... And another thing that pissed me off-talkin about who started punk rock music. Was it Sex Pistols in England? Was it the Ramones and the Velvet Underground in New York? Ramones, Sex Pistols, luuugh! WHO CARES WHO STARTED IT!? It's music. I don't know who started it, and I don't give a f*ck. But one thing I do know is that we we did it harder, god d*mmit we did it faster, and we definitelly did it with more love, baby, uhh! You can't take that away from us."-Stevo

Fights and Stuff

In this great film, there are also plenty of fights. In the above pic, a group of hicks/rednecks break into a party and a battle is born ("Ya see the thing with me and Bob, and pretty much all of us was that we hated rednecks more than anything else, period; because rednecks, for us were American carnate, and America, well f*ck America!"). Other fights include: punks-skinheads, punks-cops, punks-band bouncers. This movie is a must-see for the average punk. I've seen it 6 times and still love it. SEE IT, it's now in movie rental stores across the globe. This movie won an award from the SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL.