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Telecom and VOIP Links


VOIP Links


 SIP - H.323 Interworking

 IP Telephony

Contains all the information on IP telephony.

 VOIP Online

VOIP News, Discussion Forum

 Packetizer: Good Resource for IP Telephony Protocols

Covers all VOIP Protocols. Includes Implementation Notes for developers.

 Everything in IP Telephony for Developers

Contains details at the protocol level. Good illustrative tutorials

 Internet Telephony : Columbia University

 Open Source H.323 Software

 Vovida : Open source for IP Telephony

 Free World Dialup : Get Free Phone Service

 SIP Portal : Good Link for SIP

 Columbia University: Everything on SIP

 IPTEL: Very Good IP Telephony Website

 IP Telephony News

 VOIP Watch

  Links about Voice Over Internet

  Voice over IP and IP Telephony: References

  VOIP: How-To

 Hundreds of IP Telephony Links

Good Number of IP Telephony Links.

Cisco Online VOIP Resources for CCIE

Internet drafts list from IETF


General Telecom Links

 Beej's guide to Network programming

 Telephony World

 Modem , Networking and Communication Links

 Telecommunications Information

 Vijay Mukhi's Technology Cornucopia

 TTT Links


Sends message to any mobile device in the world from Internet . Free!!!

 Computer and Communication Cross Reference

 Comuniq : Articles and Newsletters

 Multimedia ACD

 Super Quest

 Internet Software and Services

 Tech / IP Industry Magazines

 Play around with Audio Files : Audiotorials

 Micta Online : Voice, Data and Video Solutions

 Network Architecture, Network Management and Data Communications

 Everything in Telecom

Contains more than thousand links related to telecom.


Telecom Developers Links


Design Patterns

Knowledge Sharing Community on the Web

 Ideal for Developers: Lot of Technical stuff

 Good collection of Sample Codes

Coding Tips

 Create voice files according to different parameters


Portable Application Development Platform : Adaptive Communication Environment

Technical tutorials


Last Revised: 06-03-2004 Copyright © 1999-2004 Vipin Palawat All Rights Reserved