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About this Site/Fanfiction


Hello and welcome to my humble Sailor Moon fanfiction! (This used to be on the main page, but it took up so much room and I'm sure that no one reads it, anyway!! ^_^;) To those of you who don't know what fanfiction is, it's fictional stories written by fans of the series that may or may not have anything to do with things that have actually occured in the series. To those of you who don't know what Sailor Moon is, tough cookies!! Cuz I'm not gonna spend an hour explaining it all!! ^_^

My fanfiction is one of many that are based on a single picture drawn by the creator of Sailor Moon, Naoko Takeuchi. In it, each of the inner sailor senshi are posing romantically with each of the four generals. The picture has absolutely nothing to do with the series, but many have found it as a creative inspiration, and I am one of them!

:: See the picture ::

You may have guessed that my story is romantic -- you're correct! By the title you may have also guessed that it mainly concerns the sweetest of the senshi, Sailor Mercury! (Well, in this story she is actually mainly the Princess Mercury, Ami.) She is pictured with the gender-bending Zoicite, though for many obvious reasons I will follow the manga, which has him as a male. (Please don't think I have anything against lesbians -- I'm just not sure anyone would let me post that on their webserver!) This story also takes place on the Moon Kingdom, in the Silver Millenium. It features the five inner senshi but not the outer. (If any of you really don't care about all this, please skip it, but I always like to read the backs of my books, so here's for you people like me!)

Well, I'm sure many of you who actually read all that are getting anxious for the story (at least I hope you are ^_^) so here it is! It's not quite finished yet so please be patient but it should be soon.

:: Prologue ::

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