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Welcome brave vermin to a place of great riches! This island is a place of wonders and gold. Here you can enjoy yourself for the rest of your days and live an easy life as a corsair.

Sakira's Island

A Club For Intelligent Vermin

Long ago, before you and I.
There was an island ruled by a mad eye.
It was Sampetra, the Haven for a corsair,
You could chat, or battle anywhere!
But then Sampetra, came to a sad end!
The leader of Sampetra, one day was not in his lair.
Old Ublaz had abandoned Sampetra!
Everyone was depressed.
The place was burned down,
then the vermin all got dressed
and headed for the mainland.
The journey was very fierce,
many vermin were lost,
but no price was paid,
for the fateful cost.
There was so many vermin,
the line just didn't end!
But then the long journey, came to a bend.
The land was sighted!
Everyone rejoiced!
Then the leader Sakira,
made faithful choice.
All vermin will live and we shall find an island!
We will build the Breezcatcher,
and go up past the skyland!
So they set off on the journey,
past the skyland
it was a faithful trip,
to find an island!
Rockshell Slabskin knew of a place.
a place that was broad and sure.
So they set off to find that place,
without even a hope lure!
The hawm saw them coming,
towards their secret isle.
So the battle came up,
wiping all the vermin's smile!
The hawm sank ships,
they were good shots,
with their ice chips,
the vermin almost lost!
But then Sakira had an idea!
We will poison the water with memosia!
They poisoned the water
and the hawm were left dead.
Resting there corpses, on the sea bed.
The island was nurished with fruit and trees,
Without a dangerous insect like beetles or bees!
So Sakira's Island was made A CLUB!
Where you can chat in the pub,
and have battles,
race your boat!
Win the battles, then don't gloat!
You will get treasure and grow a rank higher!
And when you get treasure,
then become an Espire!!!!
For Sakira's Island will never fall,
kept up by the great, untrembling wall!
Sakira and Rockshell shall lead us through danger!
And we will never fffaaaaallllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Nater Keel, Winner Of The March 1999 Contest. RAPCLAW DECLARES IT

Check out our brother club. It's called D.A.B. Dibbuns Against Bedtime. It has the most orriginal ideas that I've ever seen. It's for goodbeasts. I'm Whirlwind there, and Rockshell, my second-in-command is is Arven-the leader.

Check out our sister club. A.Y.A.D. Made by two of our members it has some pretty nice ideas.

If you want to know more about Redwall, then check out the Redwall Identifier
The Side Dock is a little building at the back of the isle. It stands on a small dock and it's one story high. Inside you can learn the rules of the club, the ranking system and soforth.
So you want to join eh? Well, you've made the right choice!

So...Who was smart enough to join the great horde? Find out at The Harbour.

You feel like doing some talking? Go to The Tavern and relax with fellow vermin.

The Olympic Stadium is a grand structure in the middle of the isle. Go there to run your fastest. Take on the challenge!

Are you hungry? Well then go to The Kitchen and find a good recipe.

The horde members have many talents! Check them out in The Library.

Do you want to post a message on the Message Board? Participate in the Character Match-Up or The Scavenger Hunt? If yes, then go to The Forest

The Gatehouse is a small building where you can participate in the Word Search, Nameday, Poll, Symbol Search, P.A.L.S.

The Great Hall is a huge building where you can undertake activities such as The Quiz, Fill In The Blank and Word Scramble.
Check out The Reggata and race your boat in it.
Go to the Officer's Tent to undertake the Monthly Contest and Jeopardy.
Go to The Palace to try things like The Weekly Question, The Weekly Riddle, The Number Jumble and What's The Difference.

Go to The Mystic Well for your horoscope.

Tell me how you got your weapon at The Forge.
Go see the award we have won and the webrings that we're in at The Monument.

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