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Hi! Hope you like the page, it's practically my 30th attempt at trying to put one of these things together... so instead of giving up like every other time, I finally finished one! (aren't you proud?) Anyway.... be patient, some good things are loading. Afterall, the best things are worth waiting for!! :o)

Example HR

My Background

I'm 20 years old, 5'6, blond hair, blue eyes, and 140 lbs. (think that covers it all)
Anyway, if you wanna see a pic, then click HERE. Or..... HERE for newer ones I live in Ontario, and Im going to college for being a commercial pilot. I have my pilot's license right now...... but cant make any money with that one! I have a sister who's 24.... and a few animals, including a kick-@SS dog named King.(go to my pics page to see them all if you want) Anyway..... I'm just going on and on about nothing right now.... so I'll get on to the better stuff!

Example HR

My Interests

If you can't tell already.... I'm really into flying. I've got my pilots license like i said, through college in thunder bay ontairo.
Heres a picture i took one itme when i was up in T-Bay.

I love music.... of all kinds! I play piano and a bit of drums. I don't really have favourite groups, but if they sound
good, I like 'em! I'm into art a bit... I do some painting and drawing here and there, but nothing too major.
In the summer.... I'm basically at my happiest time of the year! There's nothing like hangin' out at the beach,
partying, playing v-ball, swimming, waterskiing, camping, and catching some sun for 2 months straight!!

Example HR

Links to My Favorite Sites


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