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Wanted By CIS

Help CIS Track Down These Dangerous Criminals

    These are some of the most wanted criminals CIS is looking for. If you have any information about them, please contact CIS Headquarters on Hades immediately.

FILE #20945
Reward: 50,000
Wanted -- Arudis Fremont

    Janus IV - A humanist rebel named Arudis Fremont used poison gas in a crowded public centre, which injured 32 people and killed 48. He then ran from pursuing CIS armed guards, while firing blaster shots behind him. The blaster he was using was an illegal firearm, probably bought through pirate contacts. Fremont held off guards by dumping an open chemical barrel, spilling a toxic and flammable chemical all over the floor. He attempted to launch in his fighter, a Duress, but the bay doors had been sealed. He fired several Mass Ion shots at the door, blowing it open, and afterburned away. The resulting fire from the afterburner ignited the spilled chemical, making the landing bay useless and killing 4 CIS guards. CIS is now looking for him around Janus IV, but he could also be at the Draknor Pirate Base. His Duress has two Mass Ion guns, one Hellraiser Torpedo, and two Snipe missiles. His Duress has red markings on it and has the ID #A793_249T. Once again, if you have any information, please contact CIS officials immediately.

FILE #26221
Reward: 80,000
Wanted -- Seth

    A man who identified himself only as "Seth" is on the loose, and CIS wants your help to track him down. He has struck at the seat of Tri-System government, Janus IV. A high-explosive bomb was placed in the primary government building, just two floors below the room where a meeting of all the planets' delegates was being held. A CIS guard became suspicious and informed his superior. A specially trained team was called in, and they defused it easily with four minutes still left on the timer. However, this was a diversion, for another bomb had been planted in the ventilation duct connected to the meeting room! Luckily, everyone was evacuated from the building before the second bomb went off. Several floors have been demolished, and it is expected to take one to two months to finish repair work. A note was found in the first-floor lobby. It read: "I will get back at all you scumbags in CIS!! You won't win, so help me Nod! Expect this to NOT be the last you hear of me... From, "Seth." Security cameras have this "Seth" on tape. He has brown hair, brown eyes, stands about 5 ft. 7 in. tall, wears black clothing, and flies an unregistered ship. This ship appeared to have 3 Flux MK II's, 4 Proximity Missiles, and 2 Hellraiser Torpedoes. It has no Identification Number. If you have any information, please contact a CIS official and help get this madman off the spaceways.

FILE #23851
Reward: 20,000
Wanted -- Valenta Saren

    A woman named Valenta Saren is responsible for much of the Nerve Toxin distribution in the Irrulan System.  Her shipping headquarters has not been located, and catching her would help slow illegal commodities transport in the Irrulan System.  She is wanted by CIS, and any person with information that would lead to her capture will be rewarded.  She was once a highly skilled doctor on Crius, but turned to illegal Nerve Toxin smuggling to try to make easy profit.  Help us catch this dangerous woman.

FILE #26480
Reward: 1,000,000
Wanted -- Unidentified Danrik Pilot

    An unidentified Danrik has caused more damage to CIS property than any other lone ship. It is the Danrik from the famous battle, dubbed by the media as the "Conflict at Nav 111". It is known to have destroyed 8 civilian ships, 32 pirate ships, and almost 200 CIS ships. (Exact number still being determined.) That is just on one occasion, and it is unknown if it has struck any other time on a lesser scale. Its five not-yet-available guns, called "Kraven MK IV" distinguish it. It also allegedly carries an Advanced Repair Droid, Warp Shields, and it is believed to hold a Nuke 'Em. This craft is EXTREMELY dangerous. You are not to engage under any circumstances. The best thing to do is contact CIS IMMEDIATELY; do not land before giving CIS the coordinates. If it does begin to fire on you, perform evasive maneuvers and attempt to afterburn far enough away to escape. The most important thing to remember about this ship is that one -or even ten- ship(s) cannot destroy it. Its overpowering guns, attachments, and tactics make it a CIS-only target. Do not provoke it in any way, and keep in mind that it destroyed 200 CIS ships in just over two hours.

    More files will be added, so check back frequently and help CIS track down these dangerous criminals.
