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My Wolf Page!

Enjoy my collection of wolf pictures and wolf links!

Also, if you have suggestions for this page
or links or wolf pictures to share, please feel free to mail me!

I have always loved wolves, and the beauty and freedom they represent.
I got more interested 2 summers ago,
when we visited Wolf Haven International,here in Washington state.

One thing I've always admired about wolves is their family structure.

Within the pack are the ALPHA male and female, or leaders of the pack.
There is also an
OMEGA wolf.
You may have guessed that if the Alpha is the leader, the Omega is the literal underdog!

Our household dogs are much the same. We humans are, of course, the leaders, or Alphas in our homes.
Your dog, ideally, is the Omega.
If the dog does not recognize his or her status
at the bottom of the pack (your family)
trouble can result.
That is one reason why wolves make poor pets.

They will vie for leadership of the pack (your family).

We learned that at Wolf Haven.
We also learned that breeding wolves with dogs is an awful practice which is really a form of animal abuse.
Here is a link that helps explain why.
Wolf Hybrids

Wolf Haven is set up in part to take in wolves which
others have gotten and realized they cannot keep.
Neither can they be released back into the wild.
But instead of killing them, Wolf Haven gives them a home.
You can 'adopt' a wolf from Wolf Haven.
Sponsoring a wolf for a year or more
is a great experience.
I highly recommend it!