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Slovakian Railway Links

Pages on the European Railway Server , official railway WWW servers , timetable pages , railway idustry and laboratories , railway magazines , railway schools , narrow gauge railway pages , broad gauge railway pages , railfan pages , diskusion forums , models , city transport , transport companies
Pages on the European Railway Server
Photos of Slovakian trains in the Picture Gallery
Technical data of Slovakian trains in the Stock List
Official railway WWW servers
Novinka / New Cesty Wasteels Ltd.  - sale of international railway tickets, discounts, youth cards, journey insurance, accommodation, tour sale, money-change action
Fares on Railways of Slovak republic lines and from Bratislava to EuropeTo the Top
Ministry of transport, mail and telecomunication
Novinka / New Railway news by ZSR server
Railways of Slovak republic
Tatry - transport
Novinka / New Transport museum in Bratislava
Novinka / New Wagon Slovakia Inc. Bratislava  - accommodation services in wagon-lits, couchette-car and nutrition services into dining-car railways of Slovak republic and lease fancy saloon wagon to firm, commercial presentation and different bred action
Timetable pages - Transport companies' server
Doprava na Slovensko  - complete info about options of transport to Slovakia
Gates96 - Bratislava - info page about Bratislava - links to media, travelling, transport, weather, live camera's (english)
IDOS - timetable program of Railways of Slovak republic and Czech railways
Timetable of German Railways Inc. (included allmost every European trains)
Timetable of Railways of Slovak republic
Railway industry and laboratories
Geoteam - autorized ddealer of companies Carl Zeiss and SOLA, geodetical and build measuring machines, fotogrametric machines a accessories, railway measuring machines
Inprop Ltd., Zilina - working of specialized software for sector To the Toprailway a city mass transport
Lukro Ltd., Nove Mesto nad Vahom - components for railways
Prefabeton Holding Inc. Kos, Bratislava, Zlatná na Ostrove, Kosice, Lucenec,
Remäta - components for railway buiding
Prometal s.r.o.  - sale of steel materials and railway buildings.
Railway Research Institute
Regonik spol. s r.o. - development, projection, production and assemblage measuring and regulating engineering; adjustment heating and sympathetic in railway vehicles
Siemens Slovakia - representation German producer electrical equipment and railway technology
Stavebna Zeleznicna Spolocnost - Railway building Company
Tatravagonka Freight waggon building company (at this time not operated URL)
TRIBOMETAL - producer radial sleek bearing, axial bearing and curvature bushing for application into railway engine, compressor, construction gear, etc. To the Top
Vagónka Inc., Trebisov
VSS Kosice - making wagons for transportation crisp matter
Novinka / New ZOS Trnava
ZOS Vrutky - company deal especially revision and average reparation railway rolling stock , as are electric power units, electric motor units, passenger and particular wagons
ZOS Zvolen - company making reparation AND production railway vehicles (for example 811 class motor wagons, 755 class power units)
Novinka / New ZTS - Rolling stocks (Kolajové vozidlá) - made of 773 class loks for hard shunting and freight trainsets transportation, passenger and freight rolling stocks modernisation, low weight motor units for regional passenger transport
Zw-control - delivery and assemblage electronic measuring of railway motor vehicles systems
Narrow gauge railway pages
Forestry steam railway at Cierny Hron (CHZ)
Electrical railway Trencianska Tepla - Trencianske Teplice (TREZ)To the Top
Steam railway in Cermel Valley near Kosice
Korytnica's railway
Orava-Kysuce's forestry railway (OKLZ / HLUZ)
Pages Tatra's electrical railways - TEZ ( Poprad-Tatry - Stary Smokovec , Starý Smokovec - Strbské Pleso , Starý Smokovec - Tatranská Lomnica )
Rack railway Strba - Strbske Pleso (OZ)
Novinka / New SHMÚ Railway at Skalnaté pleso
Novinka / New Slovak agrarian museum Railway in v Nitre
Váh's forrest railway Liptovský Hrádok
Broad gauge railway pages
Haniska pri Kosiciach - Uzgorod
Railway books and magazinesTo the Top
Horizonty dopravy
Novinka / New KANT - dealing of books and magazines about primary trasport orientation, primary about railways, water and city public trasport, big postcard variety, bill, also each video tape, puzzle and furhter collector material again directional about transport and warfare
K-report - Czech railway server - internet magazine K-report version (included slovak railway related items)
Kosicka kolaj
Novinka / New NADATUR - Trasport and Turistic Publishing: picture tube publications among of all transport branches, European union jural norm, relative at transport, transportation and rate magazine CR, magazine transportation and telecommunications magazine CR, custom-house, economic and sanitarian printed matter, mural and dine calendars, magazine career, magazine Dráha
Novinka / New Pragomodel - sale of railway books, videocasettes, magazines, puzzle, etc.
Novinka / New Students magazine of Railway Academy v Trencín
Prepravny a tarifny vestnik
Tulak po drahach - magazine of Railfans club - Klub draharu - in Pardubice (included slovak railway related items)
Railway schools
Transport section KZD FPEDaS Zilina's university
Transport academy Kosice
Novinka / New Railway academy Trencín
Railfan pages
Addams' Home Page - Web page about right music, railways, life and enviroment
Novinka / New ALWEG  - not realised transport projekt at High Tatra's mountains (Vysoke Tatry)
Novinka / New Doubled lines in Slovakia
Novinka / New Development of railway lines building in Slovakia
Fatrapress s.r.o.  - off set printing station all bred, editorship - book, magazine, commercial and art agency, oldtime service - railways history and railway friend club
Novinka / New From slovakian railway lines history - list of all (?) lines with she's development
Novinka / New Higher quality trains at ZSR lines
Novinka / New Historical railway development in Czecho-slovakia (up to 1926)
Images from slovakian a czech railways by Richard Bilek
Novinka / New Informations about using of dokladov FIP-documents
Novinka / New InterRail - cheap traveling at Europe  - Tips to cheap travel, turistic informations about single countries, photos
Novinka / New Lines electrification in Slovakia
Novinka / New Lokomotivka - slovakian and czechian locs photos
Novinka / New Lok depot - rolling stocks in Slovakia and Czech republic
Novinka / New Narrow gauge and funicular lines at region Zahorie
Novinka / New Narrow gauge locs dates
Novinka / New Passenger cars dates used at ZSR lines
Rack railway Podbrezova-Tisovec by Jozef To the TopBanik
Novinka / New Railway bridges in Slovakia
Railfan club at Transport and infrastructure Faculty of operation and economy (FPEDaS) Zilina's university
Railmap of Slovak republic
Railmap of city Bratislava
Novinka / New Railway artillery in 2nd world war
Novinka / New Railway info-pages (Zeleznicné infostránky)  - Links of rolling stocks producers a reconstructors, components dealers and stock-reconstructors in Czech republic and outlands
Novinka / New Railway ingeneers club
Novinka / New Railway junction Bratislava
Novinka / New Railway news by AddamsNa zaciatok strany / To the Top
Railway News by Petr Kaderavek
Railway News by Klub draharu (Railfan club)
Novinka / New Railway pages by Lubor Bánik
Railway pages by Stano Komora ( new URL )
Novinka / New Railway station list of Slovakia (+ near outcountries) with alternative names
Novinka / New Railway stock-market
Novinka / New Railway undertaking in Slovakia and Czech republic
Novinka / New Railways in Slovakia - interests from slovakian railway history, railway tunnels, development, elecrification and double-lined and forrest railways
Railways of Slovak republic - unoficially pages by Spisska Nova Ves Academy students ( parts 1 , 2 )
Novinka / New RailWeb - practical info's for European railway trips, advisable for novice also advanced travellers. Above 900 foreign photos, game download, railway networks maps (contains data also about railroad in Slovakia)Nižšie / Lower
Sildberger Martin - info about any railway lines and Museums in Slovakia and Czech republic
Novinka / New Slovakian Forrest railways dates
Novinka / New Slovakian lines interests
Novinka / New Slovakian loks dates
Novinka / New Standard gauge locs dates
Novinka / New Slovakian Railway tunnels
Novinka / New Svet zelezníc (Railway World) - history and present world railways, stock-market, undertaking calendar, literature market, search train connection in Europe and USA
Table of lenght, unladen weight, effective load, number of compartments and seats ZSR used passenger cars
Novinka / New Transport history with specialisation to epoch since steam introductionNižšie / Lower - lists of all, what in Slovakia has moved at water and railways
Novinka / New Trains categories - shortly charakteristic most of passenger train categories operated in Europe
Novinka / New Travellers info's - practical info's for travellers, whitch will travel in European trains cheaply, effective, and meet with railway interest


Models in Slovakia - aeroplane, cars, ships, railway and sky-rocket models
PIETRIK Jaroslav - hobby - railways modeling, page for railway model fans

Diskusion forums (including info's about slovakian and czech railways)

Novinka / New Czech railways diskusion forum
Novinka / New K-Report magazine diskusion forum
Novinka / New Railfan Club (Klub draharu) diskusion forum
Novinka / New Svet zelezníc diskusion forumsNa zaciatok strany / To the Top
Novinka / New Parostroj club diskusion forum

City transport

Banska Bystrica - transport - City transport, railway transport etc.
Bratislava City Transport Company Inc.
Novinka / NewKosice - transport
Levice - transport
Nove Zamky - transport
Ruzomberok - official pages of the city, railway transport, history, photo, hotels, neighbourhood, map of the city, culture
Spisska Nova Ves - transport To the Top  

Transport companies

Novinka / NewA. S. TRADE
Abex Slovakia Ltd. - spedition company operate into railway transport, offered lease cooling wagons
Argo Slovakia Ltd. Poprad - international railway traffic and spedition
Novinka / NewCargo Transport Gestiv s.r.o., Kosice - Medzinarodne zasielatelstvo - international traffic - railway traffic; storage and handling, custom-house guarantee - custom-house declaration, insurance commodity, money-change activity
Imbrasped Ltd. - domestic and foreign railway forwarding and spedition
SLOVFRACHT SLOVAKIA Inc. Bratislava   - international forwarding and railway traffic, custom-house declaration
Transforwarding Slovakia Ltd. Banska Bystrica - railway forwardingTo the Top  

See also originally slovak version

Marco van Uden , Addams
Last Update: 21. IV. 2001
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