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*My Diary*

Oct.14th,2001 9:06pm
HiHi...Finally I finished building my website. It seems to be a life-long process..
Yesterday one thing really annoyed me. I spend almost one hour sitting in front of the computer screen signing up accounts for song uploading, but today i found that the darn (web)server cancelled my accounts saying they has violated its rules...That sucks the most..No one has ever downloaded my songs yet... and my effort is futile...Here I have to apology for the unconvinience made to u guys for not being able to download some of the songs....and i will make up for the unconvinience later( too lazy these days)..
One more thing that also sucks , tomorrow is Monday!!!(school time *_*)

Oct.18th,2001 9:07pm
Recenlty I watchedWill trees. Although I am not at all fond of Edison Chan, i find that film not a bad one, pretty cool actaully. I don't understand why would ppl rush for ShaoLin Soccer AND love on a diet. At least i find neither of them funny. All they have is weak plot, old-fashion humor, and nasty sexual jokes. Why would ppl spend 60 sth bucks for these crap? Mysterious!!

Oct.23th,2001 1:23pm
Today My mom is going for the road-test. God bless her for passing this time. This is actually her third try-out.
Last Saturday was really a waste of the weekend..We planed for going skating, but it turns out none of us has a car to get there..When finally we settling down in a car and setting off, it costs us almost half an hour driving back and forth trying to figure out the location of the great recreation center is. To top it off, the skating field is not open till Oct 31st. We eventually ended up in the theater watching "Bendicts". Fortunately, the movie was not all bad...or i am going to be really pissed..
Today is Japanese school day, i don't wanna go since it is quite boring. Too much to accomplish these days...

Oct.29th,2001 5:39pm

Umm, I gotta buy his CD.......
but he really doesn't look good....
I think he better not use his zoom-in as the CD cover next time

April 28th, 2002 9:03am
Wow..It's been a long time since my last visit i even forgot how to log in(tried 7 different sets of username & pw) heh...Last 2 month, I went back to HK and China, found that Jay Chou is such a hit there. Every CD store and boutique are playing his is so anoying..Recently i am working and out of school ..Waiting for my U UT gonna take me??Although i don't find UT a very satisfying place to spend my next 4 years in, it is too much for studying outtown...Life is hard!!!