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Wolfhome Admin Pack Bio For: RedFoxx
Wolfhome Admin Pack Bio For RedFoxx


Wolfhome Name: RedFoxx

Given Name: Steven D Feasey

Age: 25 (mental age, about 13)

Location: England, Lancaster


Rank: Beta

Aliases: Foxx, Red, Papafoxx, Papasmurf, Foxxie

Most known on Wolfhome for: Being Me and talking b*ll*cks.

Common Poses

Common Pose

Common Pose

Images Copyright RedFoxx © 2000

Anyone found stealing these poses will

have there head flushed down the toilet.

Thingy's About Foxx:

I was born in Manchester ,love the place even though it's going down the toilet ,relocated to Lancaster where I got employment as a stock control manager. I was told by a psychology teacher (when I was on a course learning psychology) that sooner or later I'd go insane and take anyone near me with me...and your all going with me for even reading my Bio ..AAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH..FLY MY PRETTIES FLY!! if you can't get my sense of humour don't worry about it ...sometimes I don't get it myself (cause I'm daft in the mental age) I always thought I was alone in the world with my thoughts on were's and wolfen until I found the net and realised I wasn't the only one out there ..I believe most in being reincarnated due to the memory like dreams I have of being a fox ..ok I'm at a loss what to say now ..if you have any questions feel free to ask can't get answers if you don't have famous last words will be ..."ouch that hurt.....Urrrghhhhh!" Do I have anything to say to you? Just be yourself are who you happy with what you have ..there are many in the world who would be happy in your is short ,cherish it while you have it.....its the one and only time you'll be you....okie I've half bored you all to death I'll leave it there....Urrghhhhhh!


Foxx's Pic
EEEK! That's Me.