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Shattered Glass
Raise the Standard
Open Your Eyes
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Shattered Glass

Sometimes I feel like a glass
A glass that has been smashed upon the ground
And broken into thousands of tiny pieces
I can't ever seem to make sense of these fragments
And when I think about their multitude
I become overwhelmed
Depressed and frustrated with their shrewdness
The rough edges, and in general, the lack of completeness
I just wish I were whole again
But now I feel ugly- disassembled
How can a broken glass be of any use?
A whole glass is useful, practical
It can be used for drinking, or as a vase to hold wildflowers
It is set upon the countertop and respected by all
What becomes of the broken glass?
It is swept through the door and left outside
Left outside in the sunlight
The sunlight
The sun is like God
It is warmth, beauty, and light
It shines down on both the whole and the broken glass
The whole glass absorbs the majority of light
Reflecting just enough to shine one perpetually annoying bright light
Into the eyes of any unlucky onlooker
The broken glass, however,
With its jagged cuts and angles
Becomes like thousands of tiny prisms
Receiving the light and reflecting it in unexpected glory
Causing tiny rainbows to dance upon the walls of the house
Projecting luminous rays in every shadow and crack
Reaching where light is not often found
Could this be the reason for brokenness?
If the glass had not been shattered, it could not have been as greatly used
To reflect the likeness of God in so many unique ways
I often complain
Become frustrated and confused
Feeling like I have been broken and not understanding the reason
But God has a plan
Perhaps He will use the events in my life
To reach people in a way no other person can
To reflect His love
And shine His light
And maybe the reason I have been shattered
Is to make me just a little more beautiful
Than before

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Angels in their royal blankets
Tumble up on high
Golden eagles' untamed spirits
Roaming through the sky
Wild horses' manes are flowing
Streaked by Heaven's light
Breath is stolen, Heart is stilled
As God reveals His might

Alleluia, Abba Father
Whose wonders never cease
Your artwork spills into my world
Revealing endless peace
My soul is ever captured
As Your love unveils my eyes
I see the wonders of Your beauty
Unfold beyond the skies

Melting into sun-kissed blue
Vibrant shades conform to one
Composing a sweet symphony
Upon the setting sun
You set the Heaven heart ablaze
Fiery sun's descending flight
Sunlight turns to velvet black
As God unmasks the night

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My friend how can I thank you
For showing me the way?
You saved my life forever
As you prayed for me each day.
You helped me find the greatest gift
That life could ever bring.
You put the joy into my smile;
You taught my heart to sing.
Lovingly you fed me
What my soul so long has craved-
A relationship with Jesus Christ
Through Him I now am saved.
No friend has ever shown me
A love so pure and true,
And I'm so glad I'm spending
Eternity with you.

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Raise the Standard

Lord I'm so dirty
So dirty with sin
Renew my purity
Cleanse me within
Wipe off the ugliness
Scrub out the stains
Remove all the hate
Till just love remains
I know that I'm weak
I know I've done wrong
Teach me your ways, Lord
Help me be strong
You've showed me your mercy
You've showed me your grace
And as for punishment
You've taken my place
I cannot describe
What Love's done for me
It's opened my eyes
Allowed me to see
And now all I want
To praise is Your name
You gave me your life
Let me do the same
I'll wash out the dirt
Become clean and new
And as for my standard
I'll raise it for You.

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Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean
Tears from the depth of some divine despair
Rise in the heart and gather to the lashes
It may be tears shall take my hand
And close my eyes and quench my breath
Ah, sad and strange as in dark summer dawns
The empty tears that still remain
Oh Death in Life, that sinks with all we love

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Open Your Eyes

You try to conceal it
But you can't hide
Inevitable truth.
I see the hurt behind your eyes
The pain that lies
Beneath the tears that you suppress
I cry for you with all that I am.
You are so close.
Teetering on the very edge of happiness
And yet you do not see it.
Let me help you.
Remove the scabs that blind your vision.
Why do you turn away?
The hole in your heart is growing.
It is slowly devouring your spirit.
Your search for contentment
Is in vain.
You scrutinize the area underneath rocks
You examine the cracks in the boulders
And yet you refuse to see
What lies directly under your nose.
Stop your meaningless search
And give in to the truth.
Your so-called pleasure is the root of your pain.
Why can't you see it?
Succumb to the peace that awaits you.
Feel what might be.
See what I see.
Again and again and again you say that you don't
You say you don't
But you will.
How can you be so near and not see?

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