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I was working for Sykes in Pikeville, Ky back in 2003. Sometimes the calls could get very stressful for the technicians, so we did what we could to help improve morale.

We decided to make Fridays dress up days, beginning with Western Day back in March 2003. I talked to everybody and passed the word along, even offering to bring extra hats for people who didn't have one.

We had a pretty good turnout and this would begin a tradition that we observed for several months during the spring and summer of 2003.

I appeared as my cowboy character Mark "Quickdraw" McGraw. We even filmed a short video with several of the employees who agreed to participate.

"Copyright 1999-2009 by Mark A. Boyd"

It is illegal to reproduce any of the photos or articles on this web site for any reason without my express permission.

Disclaimer: Many gifs and background images on this site were not created by the owner of Crazy Characters. They were obtained from various sources on the internet that labeled them as "freely distributable". If you should discover images on any of my web pages which you recognize as copyrighted, please email me immediately so that they may be removed.