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A lot of time seemed to be passing between the filming of some of my more popular characters.

Over two years had passed since I last portrayed Mark McGraw, who was one of my favorites.

Mark McGraw had appeared in "I Like It, I Love It" back in the winter of 2000 and I felt like it was time he made a comeback.

I remembered the song "Wild Wild West" from the 80s and thought that this would be the perfect song for this character.

I asked several friends to help me out and had a lot of people say that they would be there.

Well, the day came and Kim Spears and Missy Varney were the only ones who showed up. I was dissappointed with the rest of the gang, but we agreed to go ahead and film anyway.

My oldest son, Ryan, was with me and played the part of Mark's brother, Luke. Kim took us to her grandparent's old house. It was the perfect setting, with a large porch, a barn and an outhouse.

Kim and Missy dressed up like saloon girls and we used the names Madame Ruby and Lady Amethyst.

About half way through the filming, a couple of Kim's friends, Adam and Amber, came out of the woods and tried to scare us. We were able to talk them into being outlaws for our movie.

I was really happy about this because originally I had planned for Mark McGraw to fight the Dalton gang, but nobody showed up. Adam and Amber did an awesome job!

The Daltons tie up Ruby and Amethyst to a post and steal their whisky. Mark McGraw sneaks from behind the barn, but is clobbered over the head by Amber with a whisky bottle.

Mark is unconcious and the girls are about to give up hope. The Daltons are drunk and fall asleep. Luke comes out of the barn and unties the girls. Together, they round up the Daltons and take their guns.

Mark comes running up to the porch to find the girls are safe. He walks away, depressed because he wasn't there to save the day.

The video ends with the girls telling what an exciting day they had at McGraw's Ranch.

"Copyright 1999-2009 by Mark A. Boyd"

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