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I worked for Quality foods back in 1999 when we had Western Days week in October of that year.

I was in charge of getting the employees involved in this event. We had a lot of cooperation from the employees who enjoyed dressing up for the week.

Quality Foods has two stores in different locations and I was able to be involved with the events at both stores.

The entire week was dedicated to our Western Day Sale and I dressed up each day.

This event would spawn one of my very first Crazy Characters.


For this event, I grew a gotee and got a black cowboy hat. Patti said that I reminded her of Tim McGraw, so I came up with the name Mark McGraw, and later added the Quickdraw part.

A lot of the customers told me that the cowboy look suited me.


We all had a blast with this at work and I brought my video camera along each day.


Over the course of the week, we made a movie where poor McGraw tries to get all of the cowgirls to go out with him, but they all tell him to get lost, and he suffers a lot of abuse, finally getting mistaken for a guy on a wanted poster and getting shot by the sheriff.

At the end of the movie, McGraw is confronted by a tough looking character named Grizzly Adams who informs him that all of the girls he has been messing with are Grizzly's sisters. He receives a thrashing from Grizzly.


At last, McGraw meets a cowgirl who is interested in him, but she turns out to be Grizzly Adam's wife, so McGraw runs for his life.


"Copyright 1999-2009 by Mark A. Boyd"

It is illegal to reproduce any of the photos or articles on this web site for any reason without my express permission.

Disclaimer: Many gifs and background images on this site were not created by the owner of Crazy Characters. They were obtained from various sources on the internet that labeled them as "freely distributable". If you should discover images on any of my web pages which you recognize as copyrighted, please email me immediately so that they may be removed.