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I met Missy Varney at the church I was a member at in Pikeville, Ky. We worked together in a skit for Vacation Bible School. Little did I know back then that years later we would become friends and make videos together.

When I met Kim Spears, I found out that she and Missy had been best friends forever. I talked the girls into helping me in my "Thriller" video, and at that point they were hooked.

Both girls have helped me in several videos since then, and none was more fun than "Wild Wild West".

Missy really played her part well as Lady Amethyst. Her grandmother, Dorothy, who I knew from church, made her skirt just for this video.

The video begins with the girls out on the porch talking about the good old days. They look at the camera as if there is someone there and tell them to come on and they will show them around.

Missy and Kim are both very creative and gave me some great ideas for this film.

The funniest part is where the girls are laying on the lawn drinking whiskey. They are captured by the Daltons and tied to a post. They are crying as their captives torment them and drink their whiskey.

Missy had so much fun she agreed to appear in future films.

Missy played the part of Amethyst again for our company picnic 2003.

Amethyst performs the song "I'm Just A Girl Who Can't Say No".

"Copyright 1999-2009 by Mark A. Boyd"

It is illegal to reproduce any of the photos or articles on this web site for any reason without my express permission.

Disclaimer: Many gifs and background images on this site were not created by the owner of Crazy Characters. They were obtained from various sources on the internet that labeled them as "freely distributable". If you should discover images on any of my web pages which you recognize as copyrighted, please email me immediately so that they may be removed.