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When making plans for my "Wild Wild West" films, I had all kinds of volunteers.

When the day came for filming, nobody showed up but my dependable friends, Kim and Missy.

I was really dissappointed because the video called for a scene involing the Dalton Gang, a group of outlaws.

We decided to film anyway. I was taking a leak in the outhouse when I heard an Indian yell coming from outside.

I thought it was the girls, and they thought it was me. We were surprised when a couple of Kim's friends came out of the woods. Adam and Amber happened to be visiting and decided to play a prank on us.

We talked Adam and Amber into dressing up as the Daltons and being in our film. They both did a great job and we all had a lot of fun with it.

"Copyright 1999-2009 by Mark A. Boyd"

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