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Number of Signatures Needed

Simple Facts About Running For State Legislature and County Offices

If you are excited by Libertarian Principles and would like to run as a Libertarian candidate for the 2006 elections in South Dakota, it is easier than you think!

If you want to run for State House or State Senate, you will need ONE to FIVE signatures to get on the ballot. Your properly notarized Petition must be submitted NO LATER THAN 5 PM April 4, 2006.

Why not get your Petition signed and notarized in January or February? Then you can relax, and enjoy being a Libertarian candidate for the State Legislature or other office!

If you want to run for a County Office, such as Auditor, Register of Deeds, Sheriff, or County Commissioner, contact your County Auditor to see what the signature requirement will be. In most counties, you will need just ONE signature of a Libertarian to be on the ballot! Contact your County Auditor or Secretary of State's Office to see if YOUR SIGNATURE can be the one signature!

Libertarian Candidates for Governor and US Congress need a minimum of 20 SIGNATURES of registered Libertarian voters to get on the ballot. If there are 2 or more candidates that have the required number of valid signatures, then there would be a primary election on June 6 for Libertarian voters to decide which of their candidates would run for Governor and US Congress in the November 7 election!

You don't need a lot of credentials or money to run as a Libertarian candidate. Just a strong DESIRE to let the voters of South Dakota have a CHOICE for smart government, less taxes and more freedom. We hope that they vote for YOU, running as a Libertarian candidate on November 7!

These canidates are nominated at our State Libertarian Party Convention in June 2006:

Lieutenant Governor – 4 year term

Secretary of State – 4 year term

Attorney General – 4 year term

State Auditor – 4 year term

State Treasurer – 4 year term

Commission of School and Public Lands – 4 year term

Public Utilities Commissioner – 6 year term

Any questions about running? Please contact one of us. We'll be happy to answer any questions that you may have!

Andre Ager

Nathan Barton

Alex Martin


Number of Signers Required on Petitions Filed for the 2006 Election
Number of Libertarian Signatures Required for A Legislative Candidate by District
South Dakota Secretary of State Website
Offices to be filled in the 2006 Election
South Dakota Libertarian Party Home
The Form To Fill Out To Be Elected as Precinct Committeeman.Precinct Committeewoman