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LEFT This is just one big practice page. The practice page is also compatible and what I'm typing is a bunch of hung chow. This should show up on the left side of the page. If it doesn't, I will be really pissed!!!!!!

For all of you newbies to SSI, if you don't know what SSI is then I will explain, have you ever wondered as you were surfing the net how when you click on a link that only the content in the middle of the page changes? Well this is due to SSI. It is just a very simple command that loads only the menus on the sides of the pages. If you have your own website SSI is a very useful little command. First off there is always the chance that the server you are using is not compatible with SSI, but this is not a problem. If your server is not compatible with SSI then you can always use IFrames. On to the tutorial of SSI. Every website has 1 or 2 menus, usually one on the left and one on the right. First of all what you have to do is, create a "left.html" this file will include the menu that will appear on the left side of the page. If you have another menu, or other such things as a menu that go on the right, then you will need to create a second file called "right.html". Once this is done, next you must save your homepage as index.shtml or whatever it is called but the extention must be .shtml, not .html or .htm, once this is done read on. Once you have your 2 files and your homepage saved, you must upload them to your server, once this is done open your hompage and then put the following code in the page where you want your left menu to appear: do not include * at the beggining for both codes <*!--#include virtual="left.html"-->, then put <*!--#include virtual="right.html"--> in your page where you want your right menu to appear. That's all there is to it, your done.
Right This is just one big practice page. The practice page is also compatible and what I'm typing is a bunch of hung chow. This should show up on the RIGHT side of the page. If it doesn't, I will be really pissed!!!!!!

Do you have a site where you update the menus a lot on most of your pages and it takes you so long that you're forced to simply put an iframe into your main page. Well SSI is a bit like iframes but it doesn't have those annoying scroll bars and looks a whole lot neater. Firstly, cut out (Ctrl+X) the bit you want to be edited easily like a menu, affiliates list etc. (you can SSI as much as you want). Paste (Ctrl+V) this content into a new text file. Remember, the new doc should only contain the content tags, not the body, title etc. tags. Save that page as (eg. menu.html). With this done, go to the original page and add the following code: <*!--#include virtual="menu.html"--*> note: Remove the asterisks (***) form the code. The yellow is the path(not url) to the menu.html file. If you have put the file into another directory (eg. menus/) then do <*!--#include virtual="menus/menu.html"--*> If you have all your files in different dirs, then add a / before the path as the / tells the server to start off at the root directory then go to menus/menu.html. Upload both pages to your server and have a look at your work. If anything is wrong, it might be because: -Your server does not support SSI (Ones who support it are: Hypermart, VirtualAve, SpacePorts, Koolhost and many others. Ask your server administrator). -Name the page/s with the ssi code in them as .shtml not .html. If you still can't figure out