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This scrapbook was actually used by Bungle in the Rainbow house.

A piece of Bungle's old cutlery set.

Bungle's Swaztika mug (for dipping your paintbrush in)

herr bungle, Bungle was indeed the straight, but undoubtedly hard man in the Rainbow show. He would always repremand Zippy whenever he did something naughty with the line: "Well that wasn`t very nice, Zippy" ironicaly this stern commment from mr. "lets wonder around the rainbow house naked, trying not to remind people that in fact i tried to destroy one of my housemates nation" would have been more apropriate in that awful war if Zippy himself was talking to bungle. Bungle was elected by the German people as their country fell into poverty and desperation. Bungle was the strong, able young bear, willing to bring his country back from the smelly, crap ridden state it was in. Bungle, being the bright minded bear he was thought it would be a good idea to take over the world and earn himself some mulah. His Hungarian Nazi spy - Igor Bennedict Nagy - informed him that Hungary was in an unfortunate state as well. So he decided he'd try and take it over in a most subtle way. This proved successful in the short term, but it did enrage Zippy, just as zippys payback of ,what the 80s viewer saw as misbehavior(later reconised however as a complex mind game) enraged bungle on the program. little is known about his upbringing although there is a theroy that he was in fact son of a good and quite nice lumberjack who proved to be the ideal father, however bungle misinterepted his caring fathers advice and turned to bunglism in atempt to prove to his father that he was "intelligent", sounds stuipid dosn`t it but you try being a 6 ft bown bear and son of a tree cutter in a struggling Germany.