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Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Assignments and Lessons

Welcome to the A&P Home Page. You'll find course assignments and web lessons here, as well as occasional messages to the class from Dr. Miller.

This is where you can take a look at the Course Syllabus.

Be sure to check out the semester's Deadlines as well. For more information about how to succeed in this Internet course, take a look at the Tips for Success.

Once you have a book, you're ready to check out the first lesson. Note there are a reading assignment, learning objectives, and a set of class notes for each of your five lessons in this course.

Lesson 1
Reading Assignment
Learning Objectives
Class Notes

Lesson 2
Reading Assignment
Learning Objectives
Class Notes

Lesson 3
Reading Assignment
Learning Objectives
Class Notes

Lesson 4
Reading Assignment
Learning Objectives
Class Notes

Lesson 5
Reading Assignment
Learning Objectives
Class Notes

Chapter Reviews (Worksheets)

April 13, 2004: You have the opportunity to evaluate this course. Your opinions are very helpful to me; they tell me how I can make my Internet courses better and more useful to students. I'll appreciate you visiting the following link: Course Evaluation. When you get there, you'll select the course you're evaluating, then answer the questions. Shouldn't take too much of your time, and I'll appreciate your help with this. I find your comments especially useful; please note there's a place to include them. Deadline for participating is April 30. Thanks. Let me know if you have questions.