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Human Anatomy and Physiology I

Assignments and Lessons

Welcome to the A&P Home Page. You'll find course assignments and web lessons here, as well as occasional messages to the class from Dr. Miller.

This is where you can take a look at the Course Syllabus.

Be sure to check out the semester's Deadlines as well. For more information about how to succeed in this Internet course, take a look at the Tips for Success.

Once you have a book, you're ready to check out the first lesson. Note there are a reading assignment, learning objectives, and a set of class notes for each of your four lessons in this course.

Lesson 1
Reading Assignment
Learning Objectives
Class Notes

Lesson 2
Reading Assignment
Learning Objectives
Class Notes

Lesson 3
Reading Assignment
Learning Objectives
Class Notes

Lesson 4
Reading Assignment
Learning Objectives
Class Notes

Chapter Reviews (Worksheets)

11-16-03: Lesson 4 matrials are now posted. Only one chapter again; and it's not a terribly difficult one, although there is a fair amount of detail to be learned. Good luck with it. Let me know if you have questions.
10-16-03: Lesson 3 materials are now posted. Only one chapter, but it's a doozy! Good luck, and be sure to let me know if you have questions. Testing deadline is November 14.
9-14-03: I will be fairly unavailable for a few days; having surgery on Tuesday morning. I expect to be able to deal with your messages again by late in the week. If you contact me, don't despair if I don't get right back to you; will keep up as I am able. Thanks for your patience.
9-6-03: The rest of the chapter reviews for Lesson 1 have been uploaded; access these on the chapter review page. You will not be handing these reviews in to me; they are for your use as you study.
9-5-03:I've made a couple of changes to the Lesson 1 notes on this web site; a sharp-eyed student found a couple of typos. For those of you who have already downloaded the notes, here are the changes: Under Ions on p. 5, the example of sodium (11 protons and 10 electrons) is corrected to show a resulting charge of +1 instead of -1. Then in the discussion of biological buffer systems, the second chemical equation on p. 13 (showing bicarbonate and hydrogen combining to form carbonic acid) has been corrected.If you're just finishing up with Chapter 2, you're on track. Chapters 3 and 4 review sheets should go up tonight. Have a good weekend!
8-27-03: Welcome to all of you. Your first lesson is up and running right now. Do take some time to browse around a bit first; then take a look at the reading assignment and get started. You have until September 22 to take the first test--plenty of time if you get started now.
I have a software glitch on the chapter reviews for Lesson 1, so they are not posted yet. They should go up on the web site on Friday.
I will be out of town for the long weekend - home Monday night. If you need something, I'll get back to you on Tuesday. Have a great semester!