In Gr Gr Great Grandpa's Footsteps?

Whether consciously or unconsciously, Darrell R. Ginther was following in his Stadem and Holbeck forbears' footsteps. His great-great-great-grandfather in Norway was an intinerant, door-to-door colporteur, or seller of Bibles, all through Norway. He did this until his early death.

In this way he spread the Word of God, just as his great-grandson Darrell would do eighty years or so later across the Upper Midwest and the American West.

"He Will Lead Me, Lead Me, All the Way"

This great-great-great-grandson would even carry the Good News back to the Old Country, as he made several European trips of Ministry. Who would have thought back in time of the state penitentiary where he was incarcerated (despite his clear mental disability) that this badly-damaged young boy and later a man would be preaching on street corners in a hundred cities in the U.S. and Europe, all accomplished on a shoe-string-sized disability check?

From His Book:


Darrell's Account

Of His Deliverence

"You're Not Going to Lay Hands on Me!"

"It is sad to say that only once there was an opportunity for healing deliverance for me by my missionary uncle and aunt who came to the United Stades on fourlough. Being a member of the Lutheran Church, I was afraid of the laying on of hands. I knew this was practiced in the Pentecostal Church.

I refused to let them lay their hands on my head for the prayer of deliverance, the casting out of the demons that had been living in my body for over ten years. I do not know for certain when these demons entered my body, but I do know it was because of sin that they had come in and obsessed me.

It was an awful thing to be captive of these foul and unclean spirits. In the Bible there are many accounts of people who came to Jesus or who were brought to Him for the casting out of these unclean spirits. We are told that Satan in the Prince and the Power of the air over this world and that these evil spirits, having no bodies, but losing their heavenly bodies, turned away from God and looked to Lucifer as their head. They were disembodied and lost their heavenly estate and were cast out of Heaven.

At the war in Heaven, their proud leader, Lucifer, the highest archangel in Heaven wanted to take God's throne. These disembodied spirits, formerly angels now are over the earth and do come down to earth seeking bodies to dwell in as they have no body.

Can you see why it is dangerous to be open to sinning? This is a welcome mat thrown out to them as they seek to enter anyone who opens themselves up to them by committing sin willfully.

This will allow them to enter into people and enslave them for the devil wants to be master and controller of human beings, those that were the crown of God's creation and made for God's indwelling Holy Spirit. [does this sound like the incoherent rantings of a mentally disturbed individual with a six year old's IQ? No, it is clearly reasoned and theologically correct, according to evangelical teachings from the Bible--Ed.]

"The Lady Had a Vision--of Me!"

"There was a Christian lady who had a vision of me while I was obsessed of demons and in a mental hospital. She is a distant relative of mine and told my mother's sister of the incident. She said she saw me in a vision and as soon as possible she called my aunt and asked her where I was as she wanted to go to visit me.

She came one day and visited me. She said I reminded her of my father after I said, 'God bless you.' She wept and she recalled years ago how my father was and the words he spoke came to her remembrance...God was working as I'm sure she prayed often for me that God would deliver me and heal me completely.

She was a comfort to me that day as I remember her sitting in the hallway at the hospital. She sat across the table, listening to me as I told her the nightmares I had because of those demons that tormented my mind. They also kept me from getting a good night's rest. This is a memorable event, this lady who came to see me because she saw a vision from God of me. I knew she was sent to me by God and the promptings of the Holy Spirit. It was a comfort to me in my loneliness and despair. [how many other Christians though, who were called to visit Darrell, were distracted or put it off and never obeyed the Lord? Look how much it comforted and strengthened Darrell in his plight, even a short visit by someone who genuinely cared for him would have meant a lot to him.--Ed.]

Jewish Believer Comes to Help

"The second time that my missionary aunt and uncle, Cora and Carl Taylor, were able to come to visit me, they were preceeded by another visitor. God used a converted to Christ Jewish man [Joe Berkowitz was a dear, longtime friend of my family]. He had been a minister in the rescue mission in Sioux Falls where my father had been one of the founders. He also ministered to me and told me to memorize II Timothy 1:7, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." He told me that whenever I was tempted by Satan, I should repeat this verse outloud and Satan would have to flee. I have done this many times since and have always had results.

Decision to Do it God's Way

"After this Jewish Christian left, my relatives who were again home in the U.S. on furlough prayed for me because I had made up my mind to get healing. I wanted God to do it the way He had said in His word, namely, to accept it with the biblical laying on of hands by elders of the church. When this is done, the captives shall go free. It's marvelous what the Lord will do if we are only willing to do it God's way and His way only. This is the only way one can receive deliverance in being willing to say, 'Yes, Lord, I surrender all.' I thank God for His Word, for it is "powerful and sharper and quicker than a two-edged sword, separating bone and marrow and the spirit asunder, and a discerner of the very intents of the heart," as scripture says. Where the Spirit of the Lord is found, there is liberty, praise God!

The Turning-Point in my Deliverance Process

"Not long after the Jewish friend and evangelist left, my aunt and uncle came to visit me, along with another aunt and uncle, and my grandparents. They asked me if they could pray for me, and how I wanted to be delivered by God. They prayed for me, laying their heads upon my head, and my Aunt Cora told me that I might not get deliverance right away but I would by the next morning. That night on my bed I kept saying, "I plead the blood of Jesus within and without," and as I was saying this the deliverance came. I began praising the Lord for all He had done for me.[Darrell must have slept too, for when he awoke he discovered that he had not dreamt it, he truly was set free from the demons!--Editors].

The Transfer Home to Washington State

"The next day the superintendent of this state hospital had scheduled me to be released from this psycho ward and to be transferred to another hospital amost 2,000 miles away. I was surprised when my relatives broke the news of the transfer to me before I had my complete deliverance from these tormenting demons that had bound me for so many years. The next day after my complete recovery, a law officer and an attendant had orders to take some injecting needles and drugs along. This was done in the event I tried to harm myself, they would put me to sleep.

"They Marveled at What I Told Them"

"I was also chained with cuffs and my hands and ankles were chained together. But at the end of the two-day journey by Great Northern train, they were surprised they didn't have to use them. They couldn't get over how well I was on the journey. They asked me time and again how I controlled myself and I told them the Great Physician sent His healing virtue through my body, set me free from my obsessions and gave me complete victory in deliverance. I gave all praise to God for His miracle of deliverance of my sickness. They marveled at what I had told them. When we arrived at our destination, someone asked who we were and what our destination was and they offered to give us use of an official car of the city and they accepted and we headed first for the police station. They then called the hospital where I was to be committed and released me into the hands of the doctors at the state hospital where I was to be committed.

Demons Didn't Fit a Doctor's Training in Psychology

"After staying three months, to find out how my condition was progressing, my doctor called me to his office. He asked a lot of questions, and I explained how I had recovered from my mental sickeness. When I told him that three months ago while at the other state hospital I received deliverance from several demons, he was surprised and said he had never heard of that before--that demons sometimes occupied people's bodies. Well, he heard it this time, and he walked into an adjoining room to ponder what I told him. When he came out, he repeated that he had never heard of such a thing before.

Discharged, With a Clean Bill of Mental Health!

"I went before a staff meeting a few days later and every doctor consented and gave their approval of my being given a discharge. I was discharged and to this day I have a perfectly well body, free of any of those demons that had afflicted me. I thank God for this! I was released from the hospital and my mother was there to take me home. I have given this testimony since in many missions and churches across the USA.

"A First Fruit of My Deliverance Testimony"

"In one church meeting [where Darrell had given his testimony] I recall seeing a girl set free from a demon of hate. Afterwards, she got up off her knees and testified that before she had hated all Christians in this church, but now she loved all of them. That church was talking about the deliverance of this girl from a demon of hate for two weeks afterwards. The preacher hadn't even known she had a demon and, furthermore, hadn't known how to cast out a demon. My aunt and uncle, Cora and Carl Taylor, have been used of God to cast many such demons out of people. They are presently missionaries in Jacutinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

"Yet Others Contributed to My Deliverance"

"All of my relatives were very concerned for me through the years of my confinement and were praying for me that I might receive deliverance. I'm thankful to God for softening my stubborn and proud spirit so God could set me free from these troubling demons that obsessed me for so many years.

It brought joy untold to my soul and body when these foul spirits had to go. They did leave my body for good.

There was another evangelist who came and visited me. He even wrote in his paper an article of my personal testimony of salvation. He read the Word to me and visited and prayed for me.

There was yet another, a minister who came and prayed for me, with the laying on of hands.


"I am a Living Testimony--Glory to God!"

"There are many who could give their testimony of healing that God has done for them. This is the Gospel that God has given to men the world over.

I have been out of the hospital for a long time now and given this testimony of deliverance from these foul spirits that I was captive to years ago. It's wonderful to tell you the glad tidings of what God's Word tells me. I've seen it happen in my own life and in the lives of others. I hope that all who read this have found the same answer that I myself have found--in knowing the Lord Jesus as my Savior, Healer, and Deliverer.

There is much more I could say but pen could not tell all the blessings from God's promises that the Christian can claim--by believing them and reaching out and asking for them. God will supply all of our needs according to his riches in [Christ Jesus] to all who believe.

This writing gives praise to God for all His help and for all those who have been used of Him to help me--by their prayers and concern in loving care while I was in the hospital so that I could now be living today in society. How much I have to be thankful for and to praise God for! I am so grateful for a well body and a restored mind and a saved soul!"

"Prayer Changes Things! Prayer Changed Me!"

"The object of this book is to let people know there is truly no cure in taking drugs for people who are bound by Satan with foul and unclean spirits called demons.

[We can testify to this statement's accuracy. Having worked next to a hospital emergency ward, seeing all sorts of injured persons come in, the demon-possessed individuals were definitely in a different class, as they had come complaining of hearing voices and they had very bad breath, and sometimes acted violently and totally unlike their ordinary personalities. Yet the hospital prescribed drugs and lockup in a special ward, not recognizing the spiritual causes, so that they couldn't possibly cure the conditions of these unfortunate people who came in again and again as repeat cases--Editors]

If these testimonies can be of help to someone who is reading this book, all praise be to the lord for his work of deliverance. Yes, prayer truly changes things. And God will answer the prayers of His fervent and righteous servants.

If these prayers of deliverance are done in the Holy Name of Jesus, God will honor them and set the captive free. Praise His Holy and Righteous Name forever!"--from Darrell R. Ginther's DELIVERED FROM THE POWERS OF DARKNESS.

(c) 1999-2013, Butterfly Productions, All Rights Reserved

I Corinthians 12:23:27

"And those members of the body, which we think to be less honorable, upon these we bestow more abundant honor, and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness. For our comely parts have no need, but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked, that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it, or one member be honored, all the members rejoice with it. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular."



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