Beloved Wife, Mother, Homemaker, Christian Witness and Speaker, Gracious Hostess, Church Mother and Deaconess

1. How old are you?
That is mighty personal! I am one year younger than Bill and Papa and Mama agreed to have me between Bernice and Cora. Ask THEM their age!
2. Do you remember the first time you met Bill?
Yes, I certainly do! Sitting with Sister Pearl in morning service at First Lutheran, Sioux Falls. I asked who is that good looking guy with curly hair? "I'd like to meet him." Pearl took me to the side door after the service, where the choir was. He was smiling and blushing!!! In my heart I asked God, "Is he the ONE, Lord? Hey, he was! Ha.
3. What is your favorite recreation?
Soft-ball, basketball, croquet and cricket (when I was younger, that is). Now I enjoy planting, caring for our hanging flower baskets, wine-barrel planters, flowerbeds and tomato plants. Also fun trying out some therapeutic exercises on Bill! Ha.
4. How have you grown through your trials?
It was helpful for me to learn that faith grows only as it is tested. Trials also kept me on my knees, and consequently I learned to know the Lord better as I sought Him for answers and comfort! He has never failed me!! Not once!!
5. What is your favorite or most meaningful Bible verse?
Phil. 4:6-7: "Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication let all your requests be made known unto Him, and the peace of God which passeth all understanding will keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus."
6. Where are you recently living?
Since January 1986 we have been residents of the suburb of Eden Prairie. It's right next to Edina where we lived for about 30 years until our house burned Nov. 25, 1985.
7. Did you ever tell Pearl you sneaked and wore her clothes some times in grade school?
Only Pearl could have asked this question. Ha. I honestly don't remember doing this. I do remember having only one dress (green and dark) to wear all fall and winter. I waited for kids to jibe me, but thank God they never did!!!
8. Could you share something about your 52 years of marriage?
Wow, what an assignment!! Well, #1. It was a good thing my honey was born patient!. #2. All heaven must have rejoiced when I finally gave up and said, "I give up, Lord, I can't live this Christian life." The Lord said, "Now, I'll take over." What a revelation this was to me! I thank Him for showing me this! Myrt. has had to die so Christ could come forth. Right? John 12:24.
9. What's your concept of Romance?
It really happened! Before courting, Bill and I and ten other young people sitting in aliving room, lights went out, MOON RIVER came on radio. Bill reached over, lifted my hand to his lips and kissed my fingers!! Hey, man, that was a sweet ROMANTIC MOMENT for this ol' girl!! But a kiss on the lips 2 month later! Ha!
10. Please tell what child of yours was the first to walk and talk!
Rennard seemed to walk sooner than any of the others. I might emphasize that Mim was the first to talk. Not only that, after having three boys I found Mim was much easier to potty train. That was great for me!
11. Tell us of a fun experience you noticed between one of your children and Bill?
With 8 chillins Bill usually enjoyed more than one at a time (while Mom was fixing food). (1) Dad and all the kids swimming in Lake Nakomis every Sunday p.m. (2) Dad and boys up at 6:30, delivering three routes of newspapers before Sunday School and church. (3) Dad and his kids in stairway talking about bees, butterflies, and babies!!!
12. Will you tell us if you have your fingers in the soil?
I guess I've already answered this in #3, but let me add that Lute did all the spading, fertiizing and mulching. Even helped me with the planting, but I kept up the cultivating and watering! Big deal, I hear you say!!
13. What's the most important thing in the world to you? What's second? What's third?
(1) To love Jesus more and to tell others about Him.
(2) To devote myself in every way I can to Bill and our precious children!!
(3)To be more and more faithful to pray for all of you dear relatives. I love you!
14. I know this is hard, because you like to be modest, but what are some of the best characteristics that God has blessed you with?
Like my dad, I like to tackle difficult things. The courage to witness anywhere and everywhere to tavern keepers, go-go girls, hand out gospel tracts, speak to large gatherings of women. Courage and grace from God!

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