The very best of the 2017 Warriors include, top row, left to right, assistant coach Ryan Grimes, Patrick Grimes, Garrett Curry,
Conner Timm, Noah Howell, Chris Garcia. Bottom row, Dylan Ragsdale, Sean Schulgen, and Luke Soto.

Warriors Celebrate SYL Championship Season at Banquet

Posted Dec. 20, 2017 by The Tehachapi News.

After finishing the season as back-to-back South Yosemite League champions, the Warrior players, coaches, fans and parents gathered at the high school this past Wednesday to celebrate a successful season.

At the ceremony, individual honors and awards were handed out to select players that helped make the 2017 Mountain Football a year to remember.

In team awards, offensive players of the year were quarterback Chris Garcia and fullback Garrett Curry and defensive players of the year were Sean Schulgen and Favian Garcia.

Earning the iron man awards were lineman Noah Howell and linebacker Patrick Grimes and the Warrior award honoree was linebacker Dylan Ragsdale.

The Warrior Booster Club also honored running back Connor Timm, tight end Luke Soto and running back Hayden Palmer as athletes of the month.

The South Yosemite League recently selected Logan Smith (OL), Dylan Ragsdale (LB), Luke Soto (TE/DE) and Connor Timm (RB/DB) as first team all-league, while Chris Garcia (QB), Garrett Curry (FB), Matt Gonzales (OL), Favian Garcia (LB), Sean Schulgen (LB) and Patrick Grimes (LB) were second team all-league. Honorable Mention honorees were Trevor Medovitch (DB) and Noah Howell (OL).

Tehachapi was coached this season by Doug DeGeer and assisted by Ryan Grimes, Jason Grimes, Ralph Curiel and Nick Steele. Team Trainers were Mo Cramer and Terah Barnes.

Seniors on the 2017 Warrior Football team this year included Connor Timm, Mason Kiernan, Patrick Grimes, Luke Soto, Nathan Aviles,
Cody Gaines, Justin Walters, Jacob Meek, Molly Miller-Rijfkogel, Colin Campbell, Dylan Ragsdale, Trevor Medovitch,
Dominic Counihan, Garrett Curry, Favian Garcia, Chase Joslin, Sean Schulgen, Ethan Sanchez, Parker Stewart, Kyler Ferguson,
Steve Archuleta, Grant Thomas, Noah Howell, Matt Gonzales, Dylan Hanzel and Nolan Gollehon.