The Horse Thief Golf Course in Stallion Springs will be the place for the annual Warrior Booster Club fundraiser to benefit Tehachapi athletics.
The challenging hole #5 is pictured above. Please contact a Warrior Booster information for tournament information.
Posted July 26, 2012 by Tom Shea, The Tehachapi News. Warrior Boosters To Hold Golf Tournament
On Saturday, September 1, the Tehachapi Warrior Booster Club will be sponsoring a golf tournament at Stallion Springs Horse Thief Country Club. The tournament will be a four-person scramble with handicaps assigned to all golfers with the intent to provide competition at a fun loving level.
The cost will be $85 per player which includes green fees, cart, and lunch/drink. All profits will go to the Warrior Booster Athletic Fund to be utilized as needed by Tehachapi High School athletics.
Each foursome entered picks their own team and designates each player as an A, B, C, or D player based on each individual average score for 18 holes of golf. An A player averages 84 and below; a B player averages between 85 99; a C player averages between 100 114; a D player averages above 115.
Based on these designations, each team is then handicapped as follows: Each D player on a team acquires six strokes. Each C player on a team acquires four strokes. Each B player on a team acquires two strokes. Each A player on a team acquires zero strokes.
Example: Team Alpha has one B player, two C players, and one D player as their team. They shoot a scramble tournament score of 84 (scratch score). With their handicap, they receive 16 strokes so their final score would be 68 (handicap score).
If you do not have a team and want to play, fantastic. The Boosters will put you on a team.
Prizes will be given for the following: Winning team (scratch), Winning team (handicap), Longest drive for A, B, C, D player, Closest to the pin A, B, C, D player, Longest put A, B, C, D player, Worst shot based on description at the awards.
Entry forms can be picked up at M & M Sports, 760 Tucker Road or can be e-mailed to you by contacting Grant Snyder at gsnyder@bak.rr.com or Dick Dieterle at rdieterle1@bak.rr.com.
The entry form and check made out to Tehachapi Warrior Boosters can be mailed to Dick Dieterle, 21478 Stacey Lane, Tehachapi, CA 93561 and needs to be in by Wednesday, August 29, 2012.
Make your plans now, get your team together and be ready for a fun day.
Boosters Announce Membership Drive
Green Seats offered for upcoming Football Season
The Booster Club would like to invite the entire community to come together to support THS athletics. Parents, families and friends play a crucial role in sustaining and advancing school and community spirit and the Warrior Booster Club hopes that you will continue to support Tehachapi High School athletics with a 2012/2013 membership.
There are three levels of membership for the upcoming season:
INDIAN - $35: Warrior Hat & T-Shirt, The option to purchase green seats, Your children may apply for a Warrior Boosters scholarship.
BRAVE - $100: Four Game Tickets- (Sport of your choice), Name in football program as a contributor, Warrior Hat & T-Shirt, The option to purchase green seats, Your children may apply for a Warrior Boosters scholarship.
WARRIOR - $200: Two Season Passes (Sport Season of your choice), one football season reserved parking spot, Name in football program as a contributor, Warrior Hat & T-Shirt, The option to purchase green seats, Your children may apply for a Warrior Boosters scholarship.
Coy Burnett Stadium Football Green Seat Renewal
Renewal for green seats can be made via online payment on www.thsboosters.com. Deadline for renewing green seats on the booster site is Thursday August 16th, at midnight.
If you miss the deadline, please attend the membership drive scheduled for Friday, Aug.17 at Coy Burnett Field when the Warriors, Braves and Indians scrimmage South High. At the event you may renew your membership, renew/purchase green seats, and pick up your hat and T-Shirt. We will also be accepting nominations for the upcoming director elections.
The schedule for the green seats at the South scrimmage are as follows:
3:00-3:45 pm Membership and green seat renewals.
4:00 pm Green seat upgrades.
4:30 pm Open green seats for 2012-2013 football season will be sold.
Please note, green seat renewals will not be conducted at the intersquad scrimmage this weekend as reported in last weeks paper. Green seat renewals can be done online up through Aug.16, and in person at the South Scrimmage at Coy Burnett Field on Friday, Aug.17.
Meet the Warriors and NAPA / D&D Auto Fundraiser next Tuesday
The Warrior Boosters Club will be sponsoring the annual Meet the Warriors Football Chicken Dinner next Tuesday, August 14th at 6:00 p.m. in the THS cafeteria. The cost is $10 per plate and includes baked chicken and potato, salad, roll, cookies, and lemonade. Varsity, jayvee and freshmen coaches will be introducing players and talking about the upcoming season. If anyone in the community would like to attend by purchasing a dinner ticket please contact any THS football player or coach.
Also on Tuesday Aug.14, NAPA Autoparts and D&D automotive have announced that they will hold a sponsorship hotdog and tool sale for the community from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at NAPA autoparts on 20633 South Street. Proceeds of the sponsorship will go to the THS freshmen football program to help offset equipment and travel expenses for the upcoming season.
The past two years, NAPA and D&D Automotive have helped raise nearly $3,000 to help support the freshmen football team. Your participation at NAPA on Aug.16 is encouraged.
Thanks for your support Tehachapi. Go Warriors!