I haven't updated here in a very long time, and likely won't be much anytime soon. There are other sites which are regularly updated, noteably The Freilian Outpost, which has Terranigma maps as well as maps of the whole Soul Blazer series. Reccomended.
Posted by Ulan Shad;
at 02:23, 2-21-04 |

Turns out the *** system of getting e-mails through the sea of spam I get isn't entirely fool-proof. While looking at my bulk mail folder through Outlook Express, I saw an e-mail about Terranigma maps preceeded by asteriks that was immediatly processed out (Outlook express will show old messages before it updates according to what's in my account). I looked into Hotmail's options, and did some things that I hope will prevent this sort of thing. Using the filter system, all e-mails that contain the following words in their subjects will be automatically forwarded to my inbox (which I check every few days) instead of my junk mail box (which I rarely check). The magical words are: map, terranigma, earthbound, ***, request, battledome, and angelfire. If you've ever sent me an e-mail that I never replied to, it would be because hotmail mistakenly put it in my Bulk Mail folder. So if that has ever happened to you, please try to resend it with one or more of the mentioned words. And The USN Message Board is always a good way to get ahold of me as well (though I check it less frequently). Again, apologies to anyone that I've failed to reply to in the past.
Posted by Ulan Shad;
at 16:55, 3-15-03 |

Some non-Terra goodies.
Side note: I'm going to find out the names of these SD3 towns soon, really.
Look for similar updates at Ulan Shad's EarthBound Page. Also check out the new design at the Ulan Shad Networks homepage. And as always, leave comments and questions at The Official USN Message Board. Finally, whenever contacting me via my e-mail address at ulanshad@hotmail.com please put three asteriks (*) before your subject so that I can differentiate your message from the 50-70 pieces of spam I get every day.
Posted by Ulan Shad;
at 14:49, 7-13-02 |

I whipped up some maps out of some leftover pics. 4 Terra, 2 from FF4.
Look for similar updates at Ulan Shad's EarthBound Page. Also check out the new design at the Ulan Shad Networks homepage. And as always, leave comments and questions at The Official USN Message Board. Finally, whenever contacting me via my e-mail address at ulanshad@hotmail.com please put three asteriks (*) before your subject so that I can differentiate your message from the 50-70 pieces of spam I get every day.
Posted by Ulan Shad;
at 22:38, 7-03-02 |

Some Summer Cleaning
Seeing as it's been a year, I've decided to update a bit here.
- I've added most of the old updates to the brand new "Old News" page.
- I have a 'new' map; Tule from Final Fantasy V. It's 'new' because when I posted it, it was a dead link.
- I updated the pages to the left to make the maps listed current.
Look for similar updates at Ulan Shad's EarthBound Page. Also check out the new design at the Ulan Shad Networks homepage. And as always, leave comments and questions at The Official USN Message Board. Finally, whenever contacting me via my e-mail address at ulanshad@hotmail.com please put three asteriks (*) before your subject so that I can differentiate your message from the 50-70 pieces of spam I get every day.
Posted by Ulan Shad;
at 14:58, 7-02-02 |

Old News
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