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Our Lady Peace

This is a page dedicated to my alltime favorite band:
Our Lady Peace

This awesome Alternative band was formed in 1992 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It now consists of Raine Maida (vocalist), JeremyTaggart(Drums), Mike Turner(Guitar), and Duncan Coutts (Bass. Have you ever wondered where this unique name comes from? Well I have, but I know now.. in a concert Raine explains the origin and derivation of a poem by Mark Van Doren. In this poem, Raine explains, a fiddler is talking to an angel who watches over a little town.

A Personal Experience

FIRST off, when I heard OLP was coming to my city I freaked... I was like "NO WAY!" but it's true..they did come to our little iddy biddy city... I tried for 2 months to get tickets and finially bought one off someone 4 days before the concert... I had an excellent seat! I could see Raines face an' everything.. so ok we get to the concert, sit down an wait....out comes I don't wanna diss them, but rap isn't my I didn't really like them.. but they had good beat, I must admit that... so then we were waiting and they left...intermission right? so we wait an wait..and then this film strip comes on.... it's kinda cool at first, it's about this dummy...(Yes the dummy in the cd cover from clumsy) so th4n that ends..and then darkness...then a spotlight and there is RAINE!! OH MY GOD!! ok so he steps forward and the first song he sings is "Superman's dead" (one of my personal favs) so me and my friend aren't on the floor and everyone down there was dancing..and we're like "we wanna dance" so we stand up and dance, then these two girls come up to us and were like "thank-you we wanted to stand up but we didn't want to look like loosers by ourselves" so the four of us were dancing, and then the people in the box seats behind us start dancing... and we're all singing and clapping and screaming... and then in the middle of one of the songs, Raine stops the music and says "hey you, security lady" (nothing) "HEY YOU!!, yeah you!, get that security guard outta here, either he goes or we don't play!" and to this he gets a standing ovation. The security gaurd had apparently done something (not sure what) to a fan and Raine's like "no one does that to our fans!" so then they go into "Dear Prudence" by the Beatles... now, through out the entire concert there are little mini flims telling the origin of the band's name, songs, and other stuff... and for one of the songs Raine tells the crowd a story of Russian trapeze artists (husband and wife) and how for suchs and such amount of years they've been preforming together and they are always looking at each other, and how one night he looks over and she's not looking at him, she is looking at the human cannonball, and he's thinking and thinking, and then somes to the conclusion that his wife has been messing around with the human cannonball, and then he has 4 seconds to decide if he's gonna catch her or not, which leads them into the song "Trapeze" which was written for their CD Clumsy but never made it. After about an hour or so of sinigng the band exists the stange and the fans demand an encore... much to my friend and I's liking it concists of "4am" and "CLUMSY" (our fav song) (YAYAYAYAYA) ok so then they finally do leave, and me and my friend try to beg our way into the backstage area...of course we don't get in :o( but it was still worth the money... and I had a great time! (Of course since they are my FAV band) but this is my personal experience.. if anyone has their own story they wanna tell me about (preferablly OLP ones) I wouldn't mind you emailing me

the bicycle show where the bicycles float
Birdman's Roost
The Carnival
Is it safe?
Marsenia's Our Lady Peace Page
Neon Crossing
Superman's Dead
Under Zenith another Our Lady Peace Page
Farquharson, Dave - BackStage
Arnold, Jeff
Bugdahn, Philip
Cheung, Vincent -
Cheung, Vincent -
McNeely, Kris - Postcards from China
completely, totally, utterly OLP RELATED :) (some great pics!)
Tambroro, Shane
Our Lady Peace

Clumsy CD SOngs and .wavs
Superman's Dead
Automatic Flowers
Big Dumb Rocket
Hello Oscar
The Story of 100 Isles
Car Crash

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